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THE GREAT GOSPEL OF JOHN Volume 3, Chapter 8 to 12
How do I follow Jesus & become His Disciple? Jesus explains…
Chapter 8 (The conditions of the Lord when accepting the disciples)
8,1. Says one of the saved 30 young Pharisees to the Lord: “…Since we have heard that you take disciples at times, so we would like – even if it is only for a short while, if it cannot be for longer – to be your disciples!”
8,2. I say (the Lord), “That would be fine, but you see: The birds have their nests and the foxes their dens; but I have nowhere to lay my head! (Matthew 8:20)
8,3. Whoever wants to be or become my disciple must take a heavy burden onto his back and follow Me like that! Earthly advantages for my disciples there are none; on the contrary in My name and for the sake of My love they have to leave their earthly advantages and property not only for a time, but for ever; even wives and children must not hinder them if they want to become true disciples of the Kingdom of God.
8,4. They are not allowed to have money or other worldly treasures, not even two tunics, no shoes unless necessary, sacks to fill or a stick or hiking staff to defend themselves against a possible enemy.
8,5. They are not allowed to have anything on Earth but alone the hidden secret of the Kingdom of God. If you can bring yourself to accept this, then you can be My disciples!
8,6. Every one of My disciples must also be full of love, gentleness and patience towards every man, just as I am. He must bless his worst enemy just as much as his best friend and must, when the opportunity arises, do good to him who has done him harm beforehand, and pray for those who persecute him.
8,7. Anger and revenge must be far from the heart of anyone who wants to be My disciple; he must not complain about the bitter events on this Earth or even begin to grumble about it in annoyance.
8,8. He must flee all the pleasures of sensual life like the plague, but summon up everything to create a new spirit in his heart through My living word and finally for eternity live on completely in this spirit in the fullness of all spiritual power.
8,9. Think about these conditions and tell Me if you agree to them, and whether you want to bind yourself to all of them!”
8,10. The young Pharisees began to scratch behind their ears at My presentation, and no-one knew what he should say in return. The young Pharisee however who normally talks with Julius but who is now standing beside me says after a while, half jokingly, “Dear, good and unsurpassable Master! The conditions set us may be good in themselves in consideration of the achievement of even one of your extraordinary, divine characteristics; but there will surely be few who can accept them and live by them! And in general such a demand can never have any value; for if every man finally wanted to become your disciple then the Earth would soon look as it did after the second or third of Moses’ days of creation, namely barren, void and empty! Do you know, you will find very few proselytes (new converts) on this path! A few yes, which obey this so-called contemplative life and already in a certain way want to achieve on Earth what they will first achieve in the afterlife, will probably be able to accept this; but all people? O God, what is the world coming to?
8,12. I for my own self nonetheless want to become your disciple, even if you had asked even more difficult conditions; but whether all my comrades can accept this, that is a very meaningful question! For you see, the temple truly demands very much, but you demand everything – and to that, friend, very few will agree!”
Chapter 9 (The advantages of renunciation)
9,1. I say, “But that matters not; I force no one! Whoever wants to follow Me, he should follow; but whoever does not want to and cannot, he should stay at home!
9,2. But in these days the Kingdom of God suffers violence; and those who do not seize hold of it with violence, they will not possess it.[Matthew 11,12]
9,3. But in view of My rather difficult conditions that I have set you I say: If you have an old and tattered tunic, in which it is an embarrassment to walk amongst people, and a person comes to you with a new, good tunic and says to you, Friend, take off your old tunic and destroy it, because it cannot be used any more in future, and I will give you here a new one for it which will last for all time because it is woven from a material which no storm can ever destroy! – will you be an idiot at such a request and keep the old, rotten tattered tunic?
9,4. Further you know as well as your companions that this earthly schooling and time of testing lasts only an extremely short time and after it the endless eternity begins. Do you really know how and whether you will have any sort of afterlife following the death of this body? I alone am in the position to give you and any man the eternal, most perfect life of an angel in return for this short and pitiful life.
9,5. Will you really have some doubt to accept my offer, when I am the only one who can prepare for you eternal life and give it to you as yours? Truly, I ask very little – and in return give very much!
9,6. Do you think then, the Earth would be barren and empty if with time all people accepted the demands of My teaching, as will happen one day? Oh, you short-sighted Pharisee!
9,7. Here, look at my angel! He alone has so much power and strength from Me, that he, if I wanted, could destroy in one moment, as he destroyed the stone earlier, this whole Earth, the great sun, the moon and all the other visible stars in comparison with whose size this whole Earth can hardly be called a grain of sand. But if you believe that the cultivation of the Earth depends only on people, then you are severely mistaken!
9,8. I will give you a piece of land, but set My curse on it beforehand, and you may work in it as you will and it will never even bring you thorns to feed the worms! The sower may well lay the seed in the tilled ground; but My angels must work at the sowing and so bless the field, otherwise it will eternally bear no fruit for you! Do you understand that?
9,9. But if the head workers of the earth are also my angels, then they can take on the sowing in emergencies as they do in parts of the Earth which no man’s foot has yet touched.
9,10. But because the people suffer from an old curse and want to work themselves with all power for their own bodies, well, My angels can have the time off!”
Chapter 10 (Needs and their evil)
10,1. (The Lord) “Haven’t you read about the former Eden of the Earth where the first human was created? This Eden was a large garden and was planted with the best fruits of the whole Earth; and yet the hand of a person could not possibly have worked it before this! Thus the first people had no houses or towns; they had only extremely few needs which were easy to satisfy, but they remained healthy with it, always reached a ripe old age and therefore had a lot of time to devote themselves to their inner education of the soul and remained almost always in a visible conjunction with the powers of heaven.
10,2. But through the inspiration of Satan a certain Cain built his son Hanoch a city of the same name; and thereby laid the foundation stone for all the evil things on Earth.
10,3. I tell you: Man needs very little for life on this Earth; but the haughtiness, the lethargy, the arrogance, the greed and domineeringness of man need indescribably much and nonetheless can never be satisfied!
10,4. The worries of man are mostly fed on this, and people then quite naturally have no more time to concern themselves with what they should concern themselves because God placed them on this world for that reason only.
10,5. From Adam until Noah the children of the mountains never waged a war, because they had only very few needs and no-one wanted to be anything more than his brother, and the parents asserted themselves in the most respectable way before their children, because they always remained their children’s teachers and advisors.
10,6. But in the lowlands, where the people who were blind in their hearts and their minds began to decorate their teachers and leaders and advisors with too much splendor, anointed their heads, decorated them with crowns and gave them all power and sway for the sake of appearance, there it was the end of life with few and small needs!
10,7. Splendor has a great stomach which can never be filled. The earth in a small surface area could no longer bring forth enough food out of the ground and the people of splendor, who were hard to satisfy, began to spread themselves out over the ground, called the occupied land their full property, ensured splendor on it and thereby awoke jealousy and envy and through this also resentment, quarrels, discord and war and the stronger in the end became entitled to the law and ruler over the weaker, forced them to work for him and to be subservient in all things. The rebellious were castigated and even threatened into unconditional obedience on pain of death!
10,8. And see, all that was the consequence of the external cultivation of the Earth, of the love of splendor and of the arrogance stemming from it!
10,9. But if I now, coming in My spirit from heaven, want to lead you back to the happy condition of the original man and show you the long lost path to the Kingdom of God, how can you say that the conditions I set to become My disciples are too hard and too unfeasible in general!
10,10. I tell you: The yoke that I lay on your neck is soft, and the burden that I offer you to carry is as light as a feather in comparison with that which you carry day by day.
10,11. How far into the whole world reach your worries! Day and night you have no rest and no repose; and that is all for the sake of the world and so that you will not be held back at the cost of the often bloody sweating of your weak brothers and sisters!
10,12. With such worries, how should any time be found for the soul, to do anything for the awakening of the spirit of God in you?
10,13. Yes, your souls and the souls of millions of people no longer even know that they are the carriers of the spirit of God, not to mention that they could and should do something beneficial for becoming free and independent. For your love of splendor and comfortable life the poor and weak humanity is driven by you too strongly to bloody endless drudgery and therefore cannot do anything to liberate their spirit and so you are dead along with you subordinates and are truly children of Satan and will not hear My word, which earnestly and truly leads you to life. Instead you defend your word, from which eternal death for you and all your subordinates must necessarily follow!”
Chapter 11 (On the reason for the Flood)
11,1. (The Lord) “They even accuse God and say: How could God let a flood come over the Earth to drown all life and how could He destroy the Sodomites and the Gomorrites!?” Oh, nothing easier than that! For why let bustling and prim lumps of flesh crawl around the earth any longer, whose souls have strayed so far from the old order of God that even the last trace of self-awareness in them is gone out of pure concern for the flesh?
11,2. Can there be an even thicker incarnation of the human soul than that in which the soul has not only come into being from the divine spirit in its every representation but which also in the end loses itself so much that it begins to deny its own being quite seriously and can no longer be convinced that it exists?
11,3. Yes, when that situation occurs with the people of the world then man has completely stopped being human; he is then only an instinctively reasoning animal and above all incapable of any further education of the soul and the spirit. Thus such a body must be killed and decay along with the too intensively incarnated soul, so that maybe after many millennia a soul which has become free of all incarnation can enter the path to its self-education and independence, either on this Earth or on another.
11,4. That there are here, however, often people who no longer know anything about their own soul for pure concern about the world and their flesh, you can recognize partly in yourself, partly in the Sadducees and to a great part in all people; for no-one knows any longer who and what the soul is! One talks about it and says, “with heart and soul” and “he is my soul mate”; but if you ask someone “Friend, who and what is the soul?” the person questioned stands there like an ox on a mountainside not knowing what to say!
11,5. But once a soul does not recognize itself any longer and in the end even quite forgets what and how it is, then everything ends! And there is nothing left for God to do except the old process of destroying the people physically again on the face of the Earth, sometimes to a large degree, sometimes to a lesser degree, depending on the situation of the people whether they still know something about their soul and spirit or nothing at all.
11,6. Such pure worldly and fleshly people may look very beautiful and sumptuous, particularly the female sex; the easily understandable reason lies in the constant greater conjunction of the soul with the body. But such people also become weak through this and are very susceptive to all serious physical effects. Their bodies become sick easily and the slightest wind of a plague brings inevitable death, while people who have a free soul and a free spirit in it can let all the poisons of the Earth come over them and it will not harm them in the least; for a free soul and the freest spirit in it have power and means in abundance to face every enemy in the most effective way, while a soul gagged everywhere by its cursed flesh resembles a small tied-up giant who in the end cannot even defend himself against a fly and has to allow an insensible dwarf with a knife to slowly but painfully remove his head from his body.”
Chapter 12 (Suggestions for the mission)
12,1. (The Lord) “Remember this! If you come to a place where there are very beautifully-formed and dressed-up people of both sexes, it is best to move on; for there is no business for the Kingdom of God, because there at least half of Sodom and Gomorrah are in force! The punishment of God is never far from such a place; for such flesh linked souls, which for the greatest part have laid all their conscience in the grave of their bodies, are too bound up through and through. And if their beautiful flesh is touched even only very slightly by the evil, rough and still very uneducated natural spirits of the air, such bound up souls can muster no defense and succumb along with their flesh which is much more susceptible and thin-skinned than the flesh of the body of a free soul.
12,2. Go there and grab a tender town maid firmly by the arm or an any other body part and she will cry with pain; if you go out to the country however to a farmer who besides his work also takes care for his children’ souls and his own, there you can grab the hand of the man and those of his children as firmly as you want and shake it and he will let out no great cry of pain or fear!
12,3. You probably think that such insensitivity comes from heavy work and the hardening through it?! Oh no, I tell you; instead the hardiness is only a consequence of the soul freed from the flesh through self-denial, by which then the correct toughness of the flesh also comes into being.
12,4. But wherever all concern for the tenderness of the flesh exists and even some schools exist in which the body can be made as tender as possible through all sorts of gymnastics and as smooth through all sorts of ointments and oils, there is no free soul any longer; and if only a slight wind of poison comes over such terribly weak bodies then death reaps its harvest.
12,5. Then people complain and moan and one half-believing person after the other opens his mouth and says: But what sort of pleasure can God have that He tries to kill the people with all sorts of torture?! Either there is no God, or God is too exalted and no longer cares for the creatures of the Earth, or God is hungry for sacrifices and incense, one has to satisfy Him with rich sacrifices, magical words and incense! Or God has become angry and is taking His revenge now on the harmless weak humanity; one has to do penance in full and cast at least twelve sacrificial goats in the Jordan each year!
12,6. But then no-one thinks that all this suffering, all sickness, all wars, all price increases, hunger and plague come from the fact that people do everything only for their bodies instead of for their souls and their spirit according to God’s order!
12,7. Yes, they preach the fear of God to dead souls, in whom (God) the preacher, soul dead himself, no longer believes. Because he only believes in what he gets for preaching and what honor and what reputation a well-studied position as preacher could bring. And so one blind leads the other and a dead man wants to make another dead man alive. The first preaches for his body, and the other obeys the teaching for the sake of his body. But what sort of advantage can there be for an extremely sick soul?
12,8. I am a savior; how, the dead and the blind people are asking, can this be possible? And I tell you that I do not heal the flesh of people, but instead wherever some soul is still left mixed with the flesh I make the soul free and awaken, as far as possible, the spirit buried in the soul. This immediately strengthens the soul which becomes free, and it is then an easy thing to set the correct order to the afflictions of the flesh in one moment.
12,9. That is what one calls a miracle healing, while it is only the most ordinary and natural healing of the flesh in the world! What someone has, that he can give; what he does not have, that he cannot give!
12,10. Whoever has a living soul according to the order of God and a free spirit in it, he can make his brother’s soul free if it is not too embodied, and this helps the sick fleshly body. If the doctor of souls himself has a very sick soul, which is more dead than alive, how could he give someone else’s soul what he is lacking himself?! Think about this!
12,11. I have now shown you the conditions for becoming my disciples, and the ills of the world down to its truest and deepest foundation. Now do what you want! I neither take you to be my disciples nor do I refuse you to become such. If you want to become my disciples you must first make your souls free and strong, otherwise the discipleship of my teaching will do you no good!”
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