Stand for Health Freedom (Part 1)

2 years ago

(S1E40) LEAH WILSON – Health Freedom is one of the hottest topics of our lifetime and has become front and center the last two years. The big question we tackle here is this … “Do human beings have the fundamental right and freedom to make personal health and medical decisions based upon their own assessment of the benefits, risks, and alternatives available free from coercion, threat, force, or loss of everyday freedoms?”
Meet Leah Wilson. 
Leah Wilson is on the front lines of this fight for health and medical freedom. She is the co-founder and Executive Director of an organization called STAND FOR HEALTH FREEDOM. An attorney with a background in complex litigation and advocacy, Leah Wilson is passionate about children’s health and has researched and worked on child welfare issues for more than a decade. Through her involvement in law, health and the foster care system, it became abundantly clear to Leah that the single most important issue affecting child welfare in the United States is the practice of one-size-fits-all medicine via medical mandates. Her organization mobilizes hundreds of thousands of concerned Americans to participate in the process of protecting health freedoms for all.
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