ELON tells AOC to GTFO!

2 years ago

Bitcoin Magazine LIVE #193

1) News and Note with Q, P, and Chris
00:00:00 Intro
00:01:00 News And Notes
00:02:00 Chair Gensler’s regime at the SEC has been characterized by regulatory hypocrisy and inconsistency.
00:06:00 AOC “Lmao at a billionaire earnestly trying to sell people on the idea that “free speech” is actually a $8/month subscription plan”
00:13:00 11 years ago this month a pan of Baklava sold for 14 bitcoin
00:16:40 JP Morgan executed its first DeFi trade using public blockchain: BBG
00:19:45 Goldman Sachs seeks to impose order on expanding crypto
00:21:00 A subset of Core devs are currently trying to attack Bitcoin by forcing a pet agenda to make all transactions RBF by default
00:24:00 Bitcoin Mining Host Compute North Paid Executives $3M on the Day it Declared Bankruptcy
00:28:00 Opposing the government policies, including Covid measures, is a sign you are a terrorist.

2) Interview with Obi Nwosu
00:38:00 Obi Nwosu Introduction
00:40:00 What Is Fedi or Fedimint?
01:13:00 What are Fedi road blocks?
01:20:00 The end goal for Fedi is a Super App that is like Google for Bitcoin
01:30:00 How did you discover Bitcoin?

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"All views expressed by hosts, guests, and interviewees of "Bitcoin Magazine Live" are opinion only and do not reflect the views of Bitcoin Magazine, its ownership, management, any of their associated or affiliated entities, or their inhouse or third party service providers and platforms. This program is informational only, and its content does not contain or construe any offers to buy, sell, or hold any bitcoin, other cryptocurrency, or any securities or other financial instruments in the United States or any other jurisdiction in which such solicitation or offer would be unlawful. Nor does this show's programming constitute any kind of legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. Individuals who appear on "Bitcoin Magazine Live" are not deemed investment advisors and their performances in the past are not indicative of future results. Nor are staff or management of "Bitcoin Magazine Live," its publishers and affiliated companies in the business of providing advice, financial or otherwise. All investment carries risk and you should do your own due diligence before investing."

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