An Online Environmental Scan Of Right-Wing Extremism In Canada By The Far-Left

2 years ago

The list of Partnerships and Funders is absolutely left-leaning think tanks and NGOs along with Government agencies. This report does not account it seems for non-partisan trolls and hyperbole. Instead, it cherry-picks from an already limited pool some extreme cases.
How does a left-leaning organization consider itself unbiased in such a research task?

This would be as fair as your enemy writing your biography... and calling it an official source.

Some important questions arise after reading this report.

First, what are seed accounts?
Secondly, where are the records of seed account posts and comments?
Finally, how were seed accounts able to gather so many followers?



ISDGlobal Report -
https:// www. isdglobal .org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/An-Online-Environmental-Scan-of-Right-wing-Extremism-in-Canada-ISD.pdf

ISDGlobal Partnerships & Funders -
https:// www. isdglobal .org/partnerships-and-funders

A bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Partnership.

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