Uncivil Society: 1989 and the Implosion of the Communist Establishment (Stephen Kotkin)

2 years ago

Of the looming collapse of our own American (and Canadian) regimes, through the lens of the 1989 collapse of similar regimes in Eastern Europe. With plenty of my thoughts on how to avoid the errors made after those earlier regimes were eliminated, which errors allowed members of the former regimes to keep much of their power and privileges. Let's not do that again.

The written version of this review can be found here:


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"How will our current regime fall? That’s what we all want to know. For those who have eyes to see, it is obvious the American regime is extremely fragile. It awaits only the inevitable crisis for it to collapse. I am staking my reputation, such as it is, on this claim. But because we cannot see precisely how this will come to pass, many believe, against all evidence, that our regime can grind on for decades. Reading Stephen Kotkin’s analysis of how Communist regimes in Eastern Europe collapsed in 1989 offers us insights into our own immediate future. Uncivil Society does not offer total clarity about the future, for nothing can do that, but it confirms many of my own thoughts, and so it must be an excellent book." . . . .

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