I May Never Go Down a Slide Again | The Ball Pit + Slide in the Woods - Horror Games Twofer

2 years ago

0:00 - The Ball Pit
13:30 - Slide in the Woods

(PS. I goofed on my edit around the 9 minute mark. I added an extra clip of me jumping balls. I guess I wanted you to suffer a little bit more with me)

We're back with more free indie horror games from itchio.
I may have a problem. Well, I definitely do, but this could be added to the list.

First up, The Ball Pit by gloopo, which you can find here:

We are a kid who just wants to enjoy our happy meal and a little play in the ball pit, until strange things start happening (of course)

Next up, Slide in the Woods by Johnny's Games, find it here:

Where, once again, we just want to play! Have a few rounds on a slide. Clearly, slides are not safe these days...

Thanks so much for stopping by, hope to see you again!

#theballpit #slideinthewoods #itchio #itchiohorror #itchiohorrorgames #horrorgaming

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