FEG PA-63 9x18 9 mm Makarov Semi-Automatic Pistol Tabletop Review - Episode #202221

2 years ago

FEG PA-63 9x18 mm Makarov semi-automatic Hungarian-made, PP/PPK clone, pistol review. The highly functional PA-63 is produced by FEG (Fegarmy Army factory) and is considered an affordable conceal carry pistol with a reputation for being reliable, accurate and easy to shoot. Very similar in design to the German Walther PPK, the Hungarian-Made PA-63 was developed by FEG (Fegyver- ésGázkészülékgyár) (or Gun and Gas Appliance Factory) of Budapest as an economical service pistol option for the Hungarian military and police during the Cold War. The PA-63 was one of many mass produced Communist Bloc guns. Often confused with the Russian Makarov pistols, the PA-63 is not a Makarov, but is similarly chambered in the 9x18 mm Makarov round. In production since the 1960’s, large numbers of the PA-63 have been imported to the United States as surplus and even as new manufactured since the 1990’s, after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Includes range activity and a demonstration of disassembly and reassembly.

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