3Nov22 Lessons from CBDC Experiment; Cities PROHIBIT Travel Between Neighborhoods (for "Climate")

2 years ago

OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES

Nigeria used as a “petri dish” to test CBD. Good news — it failed and had an unexpected result

Nigerians’ passion for cryptocurrencies doesn’t extend to the central bank.

But if they can’t push and incentivize people to use CBDC, they'll use force

The UK is preparing for national blackout — "Programme Yarrow" details emerge

US power grid has a MUCH GREATER threat than cyberattack from blackmailers or foreign enemies. And the threat is CERTAIN, based upon our own government's policies

Neither party is talking about the impossibility of growing our grid to be able to support 20 million EVs (on the road by 2025). Grid power capacity is actually shrinking as politicians sacrifice power plants to the green gods of climate mythology

There is no free lunch, and UK government is scheming the best ways to tax EV owners

Ford will kill in June the UK's Most-Owned car model that has survived over 9 generations. There's no interest in mass-produced AFFORDABLE cars as private ownership of transportation is set to be killed, not just internal combustion engines

Lotus: "Simplify and add lightness" no longer. Large, complicated, heavy, EV that's an SUV will be built in Wuhan, China for the lucky few who will be able to afford car ownership in the UK

Controversial plans to STOP CARS TRAVELING BETWEEN NEIGHBORHOODS in in the city of Canterbury come under fire for banning free movement.

Google’s Smart City Sidewalk Labs. The name says it all.

Smart Cities are all about concentrating population into massive urban centers and limiting mobility

Tony Arterburn, DavidKnight.gold, joins. The Fed raises interest rates by another big jump less than a week before the election. It's playing its own game

What’s going to happen to bitcoin in Nigeria?

A Congressman has introduced a bill to put US back on the gold standard — "Gold Standard Restoration Act". Is this good news or bad news?

With the election just a few days away, the collapse of Democrats in the polls is accelerating

Biden is inflating the lies — says cost of groceries is high because Putin is cutting off grain supplies.

Obama goes to Georgia to take on Herschel Walker.

Even The Atlantic laughs —Democrats keep falling for superstar losers - like "Beto" and Stacey Abrams

ONE MILLION votes just shifted in NY to Lee Zeldin as NYT and Democrats decide private Orthodox Jewish schools should be REQUIRED to push LGBT and CRT curriculum.

WHEN WILL WE UNDERSTAND — it’s as wrong to compel people to financially support schools that oppose their religion and their culture as it is to establish a state religion and compel financial support of it

Dixon hammers Whitmer over school closures that left kids are so far behind. We should stop lockdowns, but do we want these schools or should they be shut down for good?

The ugly truth about our societies — YouGov survey this week shows a lingering authoritarianism after medical martial law is paused.

Remember these scenes? Do you really want to go back to authoritarianism again?

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