Interview 338 with Patricia White Sovereign Being

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Patricia White Sovereign Being was born in the ’50’s’ in Montana
Survived childhood in Cariboo area of ‘BC’
Age 13 near death experience; had a soul transference (walk-in).
This new to me being was also a child with no knowledge or understanding of how or why my original ‘being’ had become a memory and the new soul was now using my senses of hearing and sight and comprehension which suddenly made my family and friends strangers; I recognized them but no longer felt the same ‘connection’ as before the traumatic injury and surgery.
With no adult human guide, I purposely put myself in more traumatic situations which I now see as both an attempt to return to the ‘death’ experience which was so beautiful; and also to equip me to withstand terrible experiences and make it possible for me to assist other survivors of rape, torture, betrayal, ridicule, bullying, shame, contempt, belittling, dismissal and addiction - and humbly accept my assignment and the Spiritual Gifts of the Sword and the Shield as a Warrior for Truth.
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