Dave Ramsey; Totally WRONG About the Economic Collapse (2022)

2 years ago

Dave Ramsey arrogantly made predictions about the housing market in the early summer using incomplete data. Now, Dave is making the same mistakes regarding the 2022 economic collapse. AJ explains what's happening using data and corrects Dave's statements about the current federal reserve actions.

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00:00 Introduction
02:05 Dave Ramsey, the Fed is Trying to Crash the Economy
05:17 AJ's Initial Reactions
05:52 Devaluing debt is why the Fed maintains an inflationary cycle
07:43 The Fed is trying to prevent recession pulls from both sides
08:18 Definition of Inflation
10:01 Money printer go BRRRRRR
10:23 Lowered Interest Rates to Epic Lows
11:00 Fractional Reserve Banking
12:35 What will happen if we just allow inflation to continue?
15:01 Dave predicted the housing market incorrectly
16:50 Conclusion

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