Ep. 59 The Free Men Report: The Left's Agenda is Killing People And The Constitution

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We will discuss the Left's toxic ideology. Elon Musk should take some ques from Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged when considering taking the Far Left's tantrum over Twitter. Biden and the Establishment are freaking out as MAGA candidates poised to win the 2022 Midterms, and foul play seems likely. The DOJ is targeting the Militia, and we must RESIST!

Host: Thomas Leager
Co-Host: Jeremy Deeter

Donations: www.cash.app/$Thefreemenreport

Sponsors: Patriot Shit Outfitters/ My Therapy Range


Next Week Thursday: Maryam Henein (Director of Vanishing of the Bees, popular podcast host, and director of George Floyd: The Real Timeline)

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