The Deafening Silencing of CJ Hopkins

2 years ago

Deafening Silencing is a series documenting the widespread and indiscreet use of direct censorship, de-platforming, smearing, coercing and other attempts to silence individuals questioning the official narrative on the pandemic event and the associated public health measures. The crude censorship methods employed by the mainstream press and large tech corporations enable and support the equally crude propaganda our societies are flooded with.

C. J. Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist, and political satirist. His most recent book is a collection of essays called "The Rise of The New Normal Reich" and was banned on Amazon in Austria, Germany and The Netherlands. In this video, C.J. discusses how his satire has become more serious as he has been documenting the global roll-out of a totalitarian ideology, the seemingly unending forms of censorship he has encountered, and the bizarre way in which Twitter appears to be trying to defame him and smear his reputation.

Watch interviews with more silenced voices at
Interviews and editing by Heike Brunner

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