Healthy & Delicious ! Perfect flame cake low carb recipe in the evening without carbohydrates

2 years ago

Super simple flame cake low carb recipe in the evening or as a snack. The recipe needs only a few ingredients is quickly prepared in the evening and tastes even the next day. In addition, the CO2 balance of this dish is also rather climate-friendly. When topping the tarte flambée, you can let off steam and vary according to preference or taste. The dough is a great base for any low carb recipe because it has hardly any carbohydrates.


Dinkelmehl 50g
Rapsöl 1EL
Salz 0,5g
Wasser 100ml
Frühlingszwiebeln 1Stk
Frischkäse 75g
Speck 50g

Co2 308g

Energie 319 kcal
Fett 21.4g
Eiweiß 10.6g
Kohlenhydrate 8.5g

#lowcarb #flammenkuchen #rezeptideen
Weitere Rezeptidee zum Abend oder als Snack:

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