Yuval Noah Harari - "Useless" People in Technocratic Future Society

2 years ago

Yuval Noah Harari is a pro-technocracy, pro-eugenics advisor to fascist dictators worldwide––most notably Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum. Harari’s has also been touted as highly influential and inspiring by a vast array of “highly respected world leaders” and corporate entities such as Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates, who reviewed Harari’s latest book on the cover of the New York Times Book Review. He also identifies as “vegan” (a word which now apparently means little more than “organic” has come to mean––specifically in terms of marketing toward uninformed consumers).

According to Harari, the biggest question our collective society must face in the near future will be what to do with all of these "useless people” whose lives are "basically meaningless, worthless."

The solutions he offers to the aforementioned "biggest question” are as follows:

"My best guess at present is a combination of drugs and computer games. It’s already happening… You see more and more people solving their inner problems with drugs and computer games, both legal drugs and illegal drugs.”

He then goes on to point out how deeply disturbed, subjugated societies (specifically mentioning Japan––which he touts as being “20 years ahead of the world in everything”) are already demonstrating how virtual reality and other methods of virtual interaction/voluntary isolation are proving to be successful means for keeping the masses under relatively effortless control.

“I think once you are superfluous, you don’t have power."
“I don’t think that the masses, even if they somehow organise themselves, stand much of a chance."
“The product of the next industrial revolution will not be textiles, or machines, or vehicles, or even weapons… The product this time will be humans themselves."

Yes, “bodies and minds are going to be the two main products of the next wave,” and Harari and his people have Big Pharma, Big Tech, and most of the world’s governments (& “global governance” agencies such as the United Nations, World Health Organisation, etc.) seem to be playing everyone into going right along with it.

Please check out the entire video for a deeper insight into what these global governance organisations are planning for the future of humanity, and then practice some logic/critical thinking in relation to how one must move forward in order to avoid ending up in total enslavement––barely alive and existent only by way of “life support” provided by AI & technocratic overlords. For those of you who have supported factory farming/biotech by way of blind consumerism, this may very well be “karma” finding a way to teach you some valuable lessons about the sanctity of life and individual sovereignty for ALL beings.

And for those of you who believe that your “1337 skillz” will set you at the top of the pyramid as it takes its formation, please fuck off accordingly as those of us who choose to avoid becoming livestock do our best to organise our way out of your demented (virtual) reality.

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