More Detail on Satanic Killing of my Dad, Uncle, Best Friend and Friend's Dad By Freemasons #3

2 years ago

1331 The Ultimate Eclipse Number

In this video, I go into a little more depth into the killing by number satanic ritual murders of my dad and uncle by a Freemasonic family member, and the murders of my best friend and another friend's father that was orchestrated by another Freemason in my hometown. I do believe these men to be working in tandem with each other. These people have been working hard to sacrifice people leading up to what I've discovered would have been my ritual murder on Oct 22, 2022, a few short weeks from now. I do believe I've thwarted it by speaking out, however, if something does happen to me, I need this information on public record. I apologize for hiccups near the end, but I hate tech at this point, and I'm awful at even simply Zoom recording and simply video editing. Bare with me, I will get better as I release all my work and findings.

"Eclipse" = 69 in Ordinal (ABC=123)

It was 86 days from the July 2, 2019 "total solar eclipse", where 86 = "Blood Sacrifice" and "Human Sacrifice" to my friend's KILLING (74) on September 26, 2019.

ALSO, "Total Solar Eclipse" = 704 in Jewish, and it was 7 months, 0 weeks, and 4 days from Freemason #2s wedding to the death of my friend's MURDER. These sacrifices are meticulously planned.

"Total Solar Eclipse" also = 67 in Reduction, so it's no wonder it was 67 rituals from death to birthdays/eclipses.

I'm not sure how it's all going to go down, but these Freemasons know well in advance what's going to happen around the world. I believe that if their plans were to be successful at this point, that they would need lawlessness leading up to, or shortly after my murder. So be warned.

I will be looking at the other murders of my other friends and family soon, most likely the murder of my dad's mom on June 16, 2017, (616 is the Number of the Beast) and the sacrifice of my grandfather on my mom's side on Feb 12, 2020, where 212 is "Ritual Sacrifice" in two of three Kabbalah ciphers, Kabbalah being the religion and magick used in these numeric ritual killings.

I pray all are well. Seek the Most High and his son in these end times. I have come to know the Most High as YHWH, spoken as Yahuah, and His son as Yahusha. Yahusha sacrificed his life for us, a blood sacrifice of a lamb so perfect that we might redeemed from the sins of Adam and Eve, who gave control of this realm to Satan. Yahusha sacrificed himself for our redemption, and paved a way for us to return to The Father, so that in due time we might spend eternity in oneness with Him again, even better than we had it in the Garden. I pray I see you all in the Kingdom of Heaven. I love you all.

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