New York nurses accused of selling $1.6 million in forged proofs of COVID vaccination (Jan. 2022)

2 years ago

Outrage! Two Long Island nurses earn almost $1.6 MILLION (of which nearly $1 million was seized) by selling forged COVID vaccination cards and entering bogus proof of vaccination information into the state database. According to an interviewee, the two "wanted to make money on people who are very vulnerable”.

Don't these criminals know that the COVID cartel owns all rights to the spoils and that only *they* are allowed to commit fraud and manipulate and lie?!

"The anti-vaccine movement was part of a parents' rights rally on Long Island earlier this week. Many taking their children out of school to march for choice when it comes to mask wearing and mandates when it comes to COVID vaccines."

Don't these dirty anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist quacks know that bodily integrity and human rights in general are a thing of the past? It's FREEDUMB, not freedom, you idiot!

Individual health decision should be made be the government, not the individual themselves. Sheesh! Nobody cares more about your wellbeing and nobody knows more about your body than the government.

Don't these people know that CNN's Don Lemon says people who do their own research are idiots?

By the way, natural immunity is a conspiracy theory.

All superior humans do EXACTLY what the experts who follow The Science tell them to do. This includes rolling up your sleeve for however many injections are required to be up-to-date. These people also do their societal duty by protecting all these "vulnerable" people who pay good money for forged proof of vaccination.

"They don't believe that this [COVID] is something that's real." Thank you mam, for speaking the truth! You've spent so much time doing painstaking research by sitting in front of the TV with your eyes open and your thinking suspended.

As a final thought, how is it even possible that these anti-vaxx sub-humans are still alive? I mean, didn't president Biden predict "a winter of severe illness and death if you're unvaccinated"?


1. Adults paid $440 to get a fake proof of vaccination for 2 doses. The amount was $85 for children. Why would people pay so much money when they could just get a real "safe and effective" 'vaccine' for free (i.e. paid for by tax payers without their consent)?

Apparently, there was much demand for the forged proof as noticed by "the amount of foot traffic" by "business owners who operate small shops near the clinic".

Assuming $440 per person, 3636 individuals paid to get forged proof of vaccines ($1.6 million divided by $440). This happened over a period of 3 months, so that's at least about 56 people per week day.

2. Doesn't the Nuremberg Code protect civilians from coercion and medical discrimination facilitated by vaccine cards (just as discrimination of the Jews was facilitated by forced wearing of markers on their clothes and in their passport)?

Isn't a 'papers please' society fascism? And whatever happened to (medical) privacy?

3. Why do we have vaccine cards supposedly to protect others, when the facts are incontrovertible that the jabs do not protect others? According to the facts, at best the jabs do not reduce transmission and at worst they increase transmission.

Also, if the vaccines are safe and effective, why do the vaccinated (who are already protected by the vaccine) require others to also get the injection? If the vaccines are NOT safe or effective, why do the vaccinated require others to also get the injection?

4. "Doctors we spoke with say that if the allegations are true, besides being medically unethical..."

So it is medically unethical to give someone a forged proof of vaccination when they explicitly request it and know exactly what they are getting, but it is not medically unethical to manipulate and coerce people into getting an experimental injection that they don't even need using official misinformation and the largest propaganda campaign in history?

5. "Doctors we spoke with say that... forging vaccination cards is potentially life-threatening"... and getting a real 'vaccine' isn't?

6. "If convicted, the suspects face up to 7 years behind bars." Any information on what the leaders who committed crimes against humanity face in Nuremberg II?

7. The vaccination cards can be easily forged. Of course this could have been predicted way in advance. Why don't we just use tried and true methods? Numbers tattooed on forearms worked well 80 years ago, didn't they?


Are Fake COVID-19 Vaccine Cards The New Fake IDs? | CBS

Spotting fake COVID-19 vaccine cards | KSHB 41

Fake vaccine cards hit the black market | CNBC
👆 EBay said "We are taking measures to block or quickly remove items on our marketplace that make false health claims including vaccine ID cards..." So vaccine ID cards make false health claims, but claims on the safety and efficacy (protection of yourself and others) of the 'vaccines' are not false? 😂

Heroic Doctor Filmed Issuing Vaccine Exemptions On Hidden Camera: This Is Horrible Medicine


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