Apocalypse Destruction | Hybrid Deck Pool 2 | Beginner Deck Guide Marvel Snap

2 years ago

This deck mashes together what's best from the Self Discard list with the Self Destruction list, and ends up stronger for it.
Deck Code Below

In pool 2 both self discard and self destruction have limited rosters, but Wolverine sits in the middle of both of them. Our goal is to be able to control zoo lists with Killmonger, and buff our own side with Nova. To make this more consistent we also run Carnage. Then we pack in the self discard synergies and run Angela because she's indispensable. Watch along with the video guide as we break down how to deck build the hybrid list, and how to play it to win and climb to infinite rank.

Destruction Discard Hybrid Deck Code: https://marvelsnapzone.com/decks/apocalypse-destruction/

0:00 - Decklist Breakdown
3:34 - Game 1 (Vs Devil Dino)
7:25 - Game 2 (Vs Self Destruction)
10:48 - Game 3 (Wild Ending)

#marvelsnap, #hybriddeck, #deckguide,

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