Beyond hubris and astounding hypocrisy

1 year ago

In this video statement, I go through the last few weeks setups and frame jobs, that have been planned and brought into action by the conglomerate of states and intelligence agencies who run the global program.
PET the Danish intelligence agency, have been using the real-time synthetic telepathy communication system, predominantly too coordinate, the different stage events that have taken place, first it was the planned smashing of me at boxing on 20 October 2022, then on the following week, they had planned and attempted to spin a situation out of nothing, proclaiming me to have committed something akin to a sex crime at boxing, and when this didn’t work as they had hoped, they did everything to stop me from being able to go boxing on 30 October 2022, so that they could use me not going training, as so-called proof, of what they have been claiming to the world, in their mass broadcasted propaganda campaign and PSYOPS, despite nothing having happened at all.

You wouldn’t believe the length they went too, in their attempts to stop me from going boxing 30 October, everything from severe sleep deprivation lasting days, to excruciating irradiation bombardments, causing me to have severe gut problems and what not, furthermore they use their electromagnetic weapons systems to inflict me with all kinds of ill feelings, generally making me ill, and despite all those afflictions they were directly causing me, I went training on that Sunday, and thereby their plans and their so-called fabricated proof of what they have been mass broadcasting to the world, fell completely apart, hence why they tried to stop me in the first place.

And as retaliation for not succeeding with their frame jobs and setups against me Stephen Bell, it seems like the entire Western establishment and a considerable proportion of the population at least here in Denmark, are running and spreading the state arbiter’s propaganda and PSYOPS against me, like there was no tomorrow, on a global basis.
Moreover they are going after my physiology constantly, they are especially going after my gut and indigestion system causing me to have severe problems, that need medical attention because of the fact that I’m being irradiated 24/7 with ionizing and nonionizing radiation, which is for sure taken its toll on my body and physiology, and getting proper medical treatment for things that I’m being afflicted by the state and its intelligence agency is going to be very difficult if not impossible.

Not only are they debilitating me with these torturous methods, de facto poisoning me with radiation, they’re using the effect that this is causing me, as propaganda content, in their broadcasted PSYOPS and propaganda campaigns, here in Denmark, the state is literally using the state funded media broadcasting service, Denmark’s radio, to also broadcast these propaganda and PSYOPS campaigns against me Stephen Bell, on the FM radio stations completely openly, and that is measure of what’s they are willing and capable of doing, completely illegal acts of persecution, seeing that there is nothing that they are not capable or willing to do, as is relate to soft power, which is something that can quickly evolve into deadly power at any point in time, if I am not setup and falsely imprison before then.

#Active_measures_against_Stephen_Bell #PET_PSYOPS #The_setup_has_already_happened #Real_truth #under_imminent_threat #The_program_is_social_engineering

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