WDIP Interviews - Hughezy

2 years ago

I had the pleasure to have a few minutes of Hughezy's time to pick his brain about the current state of Stuttering John as well as his personal history with him. We also talk Opie and Anthony, Howard Stern, and JEWS!!

@Hughezy Entertainment

Intro Music (Stolen from Cardiff's episode where he interviews @The Shuli Show ) Blue Dot Sessions composes and records minimalist acoustic music for production and pleasure. You can find the complete library at https://www.sessions.blue with thousands of tracks and more recorded here in-studio every week.

We believe in supporting audio/video producers starting out in the world of video/radio/podcast/film and we release all of our music under Creative Commons Noncommercial-Attribution. This means it's free for use (with credit) for non-monetized, non-salaried work.

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