Ep. 93 Dan Sanchez: "Civilize Thyself," The Power of Ideas, Daily Writing, Messaging, Locke and more

2 years ago

Dan Sanchez joined me to talk about the power of ideas, daily writing, and proper messaging. We talk about his recent article in which he explains how John Locke was the most dangerous man in the world, Leonard Reed's methodology for spreading liberty, Libertarian Party New Hampshire's messaging, how to "Civilize Thyself," the importance of ideas and daily writing, how Grant Morrison learned to stop worrying about the bomb, and so much more.

• Follow Dan Sanchez on Substack: https://substack.com/profile/2409604-dan-sanchez
• Follow Dan on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DanSanchezV
• Follow Dan's work at FEE: https://fee.org/people/dan-sanchez/
• "Big Tech and Free Speech: How Both the Left and the Right Are Wrong" by Dan Sanchez and Liam McCollum: https://fee.org/articles/big-tech-and-free-speech-how-both-the-left-and-the-right-are-wrong/

Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MLiamMcCollum
My linktree: https://linktr.ee/liammccollum

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