Premier Andrews Car Crash Survivor Speaks Out

2 years ago

The teenage survivor of a horrific incident involving a bike and the Premier Daniel Andrews car (driven by Catherine Andrews at the time) in 2013 is calling for justice and challenging the Premiers version of events.

In an exclusive interview with the Herald Sun, Ryan Meuleman (25) shared his version of details surrounding the crash.

One claim is the Andrews car was speeding at the time of the incident, and that the then opposition leader and his wife did not offer immediate assistance as they were preoccupied with yelling amongst themselves. Meuleman also criticised the Premier for leaving the scene of the crash for a period of time.

There has always been questioning surrounding the circumstances of the incident due to the poor police work at the scene. For instance no breath tests were carried out on the driver, with a later investigation finding it was a case of the police mucking up and making a mistake. It has also been revealed that police never took a statement from Meuleman following the incident.

The family has also questioned the circumstances around the appointment of lawyers that helped the teenager reach a $80k settlement with the TAC whilst allegedly suggesting a court challenge regarding the payment with the “pretty powerful man” may be more complicated.

“I was basically told that I could go to court (to contest the TAC payment) but that he (Daniel Andrews) is a pretty powerful man … and if I just take this money now then I wouldn’t have to worry about it and would definitely get the money, but once I signed the contract then I would have to keep quiet about it and that’s it, it’s done,”

Ryan Muelemans father also shared that he become more suspicious around the circumstances when an insurance company contacted the family seeking damages for hitting the government car about a week later: “For God’s sake, my son nearly died in the middle of the road and you want to get damages from a push bike?”

Should the police documents be made public, and another proper investigation ordered?

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