Motivation - Reach For The Stars

2 years ago

"Sometimes we don’t reach for the stars. Sometimes we become satisfied with what people tell us what we’re supposed to be satisfied with. I’m just not goin for it."

As a full blown Aquarius, I can’t just go with the grain. Astrology aside, NOBODY should just be satisfied because they’re told to be.
⚡️NEVER dismiss yourself. YOU MATTER.
✨SEEK God, our Father.
⚡️QUESTION authority.
⚡️FEEL what your body is telling you.
⚡️PROCESS every experience you have.
⚡️BE gentle with yourself.
⚡️FORGIVE others & forgive yourself.
⚡️LEAD with love.
⚡️LIVE with intention.
✨BELIEVE in yourself.
⚡️FAIL forward.
⚡️EMBRACE your journey.

Being told to be or feel something that we’re not is dismissive & devaluing ourselves. If we just go with the grain for acceptance & conform & just “be what we’re SUPPOSED to be” or “feel what we’re SUPPOSED to feel” as opposed to acknowledging what we’re ACTUALLY experiencing & feeling then we are subconsciously telling ourselves: 1) we aren’t good enough as we are, 2) how we feel is wrong & we must conform because we’re taught authority figures take precedence & are right.

Feelings aren't right or wrong they just are. By suppressing any part of us we are unknowingly creating disease (dis-ease, not at ease). Suppression of self slowly kills us from the inside out.

There NEVER was nor will there EVER be another YOU. If you were meant to be like everyone else God wouldn’t have created only ONE you.

You are special AS YOU ARE, HONOR the life you were given, it is truly a blessing. It’s a gift we more often than not take for granted & minimize how special our being is. We have been conditioned by society to sacrifice our uniqueness for acceptance as a means to control the population so many never live their life to it’s fullest potential because our potential threatens that which controls the masses.

REACH for the stars.
HONOR who you are.


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