Jesus Said Tithing Is The Minimum, Do It & Go On To Obeying The Sprit Of Grace - November 1, 2022

2 years ago

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Isaiah 30:15

Word 1
• Matt 23:23-24 It's possible to obey the details of the laws but still be disobedient in our general behavior. For example, we could be very precise and faithful about giving 10 percent of our money to God but refuse to give one minute of our time in helping others. Tithing is important, but giving a tithe does not exempt us from fulfilling God's other directives.

Word 2
• Matt 23:25 -28 Jesus condemned the Pharisees and religious leaders for outwardly appearing upright and holy but inwardly remaining full of corruption and greed. Living our Christianity merely as a show for others is like washing only the outside of a cup. When we are clean on the inside, our cleanliness on the outside won't be a sham.

Word 3
• Matt. 23:29-31 It appears that, through respect to their memory, they often repaired, and sometimes beautified, the tombs of the prophets. The prophets, which their forefathers did not honour. They imagined themselves much better than the forefathers; but our Lord, who knew what they would do, uncovers their hearts, and shows them that they are about to be more abundantly vile than all who had ever preceded them. There are many who think that, if they had lived in the time of our Lord, they would not have acted towards him as the Jews did. But we can hardly believe that those who reject his Gospel, trample under foot his precepts, despise the Spirit of his grace, love sin, and hate his followers, would have acted otherwise to him than the murdering Jews. Watch your approach to the spirit of grace.

Father, in the name of Jesus, help me not to despise the spirit of Your grace, but to cherish and embrace it wholeheartedly. Rom. 2:4
4 Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?

Daily Covenant Favor Declaration
I decree in the name of Jesus, from this moment forward, I see myself the way God sees me. I am highly favoured of the Lord. I am crowned with glory and honour. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
I am reigning as a king in life through the one man Jesus Christ the messiah. Now in Jesus name, I declare by faith that I walk in divine favour, I have preferential treatment, supernatural increase. I have restoration, I have prominence, I have petitions granted, laws changed, policies and rules changed, and battles won, which I do not have to fight all because of favour. The blessing and favour of God is on my life. In Jesus name, every morning, when I arise, I would speak and expect divine favour to go before me and surround me as with a shield, with goodwill and pleasures forevermore.

Doors are now open for me that men said are impossible to open. No obstacles can stop me, no hindrances can delay me. In Jesus name, I am honoured by my Father, as I receive genuine favour that comes directly from God. I am special to Him, I am the object of His affection, I am the apple of His eyes, I am blessed and highly favoured of the Lord. Everyone and everything shall work to favour me. Angels Goodness and Mercy shall accompany me in all my ways. It is written with long life will God satisfy me and show me his salvation. Therefore, I declare that I shall not die but live to declare the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. I declare over me and my household today that the yoke and burden of death over us is broken. So shall it be for me and my household today in Jesus’ name, Amen and Amen!


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