NIGHT SHADOWS 11022022 -- Bibi’s Back, Even the SUDDEN DESTRUCTION Will Blind-side

2 years ago

So October is gone, and now we enter the first 11 days of November, and who knows what may happen next. Bibi has come back, it appears, to rule over Israel as she enters her time of Jacob's Trouble, just as the Lord told me over 30 years ago and to my surprise, two Israeli sages said that Bibi's return marked the time of the end and Messiah's Return. The world is so totally apostate that even the SUDDEN DESTRUCTION will blind-side everyone. The Bible's truths have been totally rejected and thus a lot of this will be a total surprise. Alert Christians who are watching have witnessed SIGN AFTER SIGN falling into place, while the apostates mock and ridicule. So it is what it is as the saying goes, and there is nothing new under the Sun...

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