If You KNOW That The Earth Is MINE - Then ----

2 years ago

Aloha Kakou (Greetings Everyone) & Praise God!

When you read Psalm 24 - you get a clear picture reminder of just WHO actually OWNS THE EARTH AND EVERYTHING IN IT AND ON IT - the CREATOR - GOD! The question is - If We BELIEVE THAT - then we should have NO trouble believing GOD has nothing less than HIS Best in store for US - Because We BELIEVE! Amen..

If you're doubting any part of GODs' Promises to Us or HIS Word - then you're doubting ALL that GOD has PROMISED us as HIS children - in HIS WORD! Jesus says it in Mark - "..have faith in God.."
(Psalm 24; Mark 11:22-23)

Please let us know if you have any prayer requests or would like to share any testimony(ies) of what God is doing in your life - we would love to hear those and share them to help encourage others going through same or similar situations! Amen!

web/app: kapenawrightministries.org
TruthSocial: KahuSkip
YouTube: alohakap1

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