Interview 337 with Melissa Serna (Mel)

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Melissa Serna (mel) , nature lover , anarchist , “frugalist” ( who believes living a low cost life style makes it easier to escape the government’s jack boots) ,animals rights activist , mother to many feather an fur children, and co tenant with all the woodland creatures that she shares a special bond with tells her story of surving the almost catagory 5 hurricane and 12 -16+ ft of flooding , being trapped for 20 hours and then further trapped for a week due to the relentless flood waters, loosing her home , car and many of her feather children and thenpowerful thing that happened almost four weeks before the storm... As a child she loved playing in the woods, always loved animals and felt at home outside in natire amongst the trees and flowers , and the warmth of the summer watching the critters and insects . as a young adult she moved to the nuc metro area of new jersey and lived it the magical after hours clubs of NYC. but always hated the cold. she was a bit of a gypsy having moved to 5 different states over her life and going to 5 different colleges first studying criminal justice with the desire to be a detective only to relize you had to be a cop first , then psychology and lastly nursing completeing all the pre-requites before questiong this decisions as the medical took the final trun into medical mafia faux science territory. she spent 13 years working as psychiatric tech both in connecticut and later in florida . In the year 2013 she was able to a 5 acre little jungle forest on the border of sw and southern central florida . it is a little town know for citrus farming , free range cattle , and antiquing . This is where the story begins. she filled her little land with pet fancy pet chickens whom she regaurded as her children, cats ,dogs , at one point cows , ducks guienea birds , raised orpaned squirles and helped save a injured falcon and a lost baby mole , and tried to bond with the wild birds , barred owls , armadillos , frogs and lizards who shared this jungle forest with her. abput 10 years ago she began looking down rabbit holes and.relized most big events were manipulatedand made to happen and later a false narritive given about them to bring in the new world order totalitarian world. shortly after the convid 1984 plandemic she relized that it would be likely that those that did notngonalongnwith the NWO society could create a better society if we got back living in harmony with nature , bartering , helping each , sharing larger peices of land could possible save folks from feeling like they have to live to work in the nwo borg system. she was working on looking for a larger piece of land. on september 28th her jungle forest got hit hard by the manipulated driven hurricane ian. the projections of the catergory of the hurrican turned outnto be wrong , but the bigger problwm was the projected flooding. which winded being almost 22 ft , projected to be still a record breaking flood at 18.5 ft , the 22 ft water level caused her entire neighborhood to be landlocked from the flood water for a week and flooded for almost two weeks. after floating on a high bed with clothes piled on top of it and a mattress on top of that for almost 13 floating hours , and trapped for 20 hours , rescued by a boat , only to realize was further trapped in her neighborhood , hear the detailed story of the survival , death , destruction and the amazing folks who helped each other survive for a week.this is one of the small towns you wont see on the news much, the twon that during the convid 1984 hoax had its dmv filled with folks from other counties as it was one of the only ones open , and NONE of the employees had a breathing inhibitor face diaper on. the little town that is home to one of the biggest phosphate fertiler companies in the u.s. .which as the storm was driven and parked for many hours was taken out of operation........

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