Election Theft Risks - 2022 Ohio U.S. House District #9 Race (STS)

2 years ago

Longtime Democratic congresswoman Marcy Kaptur is facing a tough re-election campaign thanks to congressional re-distracting, but the Elites seem to be racing to defend her thanks to her opponent being the very colorful Trump supporter J.R. Majewski. The ridiculousness and dishonesty of attacks against Majewski make it clear that the Elites are determined to keep him from winning, but he seems to be surging in support nonetheless. Will shenanigans be carried out behind the scenes on election day or its aftermath to deny Majeswki a victory?

Taken from "From Steal to Secession AM - Episode 11: Which 2022 election races are HIGH RISK for Electoral Theft?"

Episode Page: https://keepgovlocal.com/from-steal-to-secession-am-episode-11-2022-races-high-risk-electoral-theft/

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