Dialect-Intel: Weaponising Diversity, a local incident and a long history

2 years ago

This video discusses an issue which arose at our local high school where students were put into a hall for 'diversity training' which became highly contentious. The attitude was that by nature of being white, the students are racist and that racism is not possible from other people of colour because it is a power issue. This day distressed the students, who live in a New South Africa of attempting integration and acceptance. This is not to say there are not cultural and race divides in the area, which have everything to do with living conditions, government funding, housing and opportunities. Also, discussing the issues of diversity is essential to our youth. But not in a way that leads aggression, guilt and division. This video looks at a historical view of critical race theory and how we have come this far. The video looks at the social engineering of Tavistock and the Frankfurt School, into using racism as a form of division. Instead of the unity, as humanity, that we are all looking for.

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