Obama is the Fulfillment of the Antichrist (Documentary)

2 years ago

Uploaded by the producers of this video. All content credits are listed at the end of the video. Warning, contains graphic images. Not suitable for children.

This is an investigative journalism style documentary that removes all doubt, as to what kind of former U.S. president, obama truly was. It also reveals the 'THINKING', behind Biden's presidency.

Is not the term "democracy", the focal justification, that the United States has been using, as it topples foreign governments... to bring WHAT form of government to those countries?

Obama's track record of lawlessness and outright lying to the American people is irrefutable. In fact there IS no greater manifestation of lawlessness in modern history, than through Obama. Because of the ongoing human cull of abortion, more Americans have died under Obama's watch than all the casualties of the Second World War combined. Hitler was indeed "an antichrist"; but what sets Obama apart from Hitler, is that Obama will be the very last Great Antichrist of this Era - the approaching Comet [- the world wide impact of Our Testimony and Our Presence] will make sure of that.

We recorded this video YEARS in advance of the HORRIBLE and HORRIFIC things that both obama and biden did to america - as The Justice from Heaven continues to be poured as We prophesied that it would.

Now fast-forward to 2022, keeping in mind, that obama is still working from behind the scenes to endorse the current evils of THIS u.s. president - joe biden. Obama really never left the whitehouse - as all his foreign policies and malicious plans for america'a future - working with the communist part of china - continue to move THROUGH the biden adminstration and biden's deep state handlers. These deep state handlers are the same ones that obama listened to when he was in office.

This documentary is an overview of how the antichrist (-obama) who was seated in the White House - like joe biden hid behind media propaganda, as he did his part in 'taking down' foreign Nations, upholding abortion laws, destroying the US economy, and the American Nation along with it

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A full transcript is available on Our website

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