Whilst Actually Harassing Richard D Hall the BBC Accuses HALL of Harassment.

2 years ago

Marianna Spring from BBC's Panorama harasses Richard D Hall following his attempts to get to the bottom of the multitude of anomalies associated with the Manchester Arena suicide bombing of 2017. And other accepted but flawed narratives, 9/11, 7/7, Covid etc etc etc
from Rich Planet - https://www.richplanet.net/richp_genre.php?ref=301&part=1&gen=99
AN Manchester Arena anomalies - https://www.bitchute.com/video/Y7yfSsA82Xv9/
Like Hall, we at AN reckon something like this happened at Manchester Arena in 2017. An ISIS car bomb explodes & the "victims" run on after the blast to splash blood around & then be immediately rescued by pre-positioned ambulance. The blast occured round the back of a school, second half of the video shows the genuinely traumatised kids. Big shades of Manchester here. All the kids who attened Ariana Grande that night were traumatised & likely have no idea at all that the incident was faked. Just like the kids in this video! - https://www.bitchute.com/video/7gGFmxHZL1ao/

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