Deut 28 18 35, Oct 30, 2022; You Have Forsaken Me

2 years ago

Deuteronomy 28:18-35, You Have Forsaken Me


This week, we begin examining the extended passage in Deuteronomy 28 in which God revealed to the Israelites what “…shall come to pass, if you do not obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments and His statutes which I command you today…” (Deuteronomy 28:15). In detail, God lists the many things that bring a curse and described their corresponding and increasingly severe "curses” (judgments), with the intent that the Israelites would recognize when they were being judged by God and then repent and return to Him. Pastor Kevin shows how these curses/judgments were realized throughout the history of Israel and how God demonstrated His mercy time and time again in spite of Israel’s repeated disobedience and “the wickedness of your doings in which you have forsaken Me” (Deuteronomy 28:20b).

Although Deuteronomy 28 was written to Israel, not America, these judgments for sin are based on God’s unchanging character. Pastor Kevin shows how these judgments are being realized in our country today, with increasing intensity as our society intensifies its rejection of God and His moral law. Without repentance and a return to the God of the Bible, our country will continue accelerating towards self-destruction. Pastor Kevin exhorts us to remember that America is not our real home; a better, eternal home awaits true believers, those who remain faithful to Jesus despite the increasing darkness of our world.

Associated notes and links are at under Sermon Archives, Deuteronomy,


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