Vigini Vaginal V Tightening Tight Private Part Whitening Lightening Cream Gel+ Feminine Hygiene Wash

2 years ago

"Vigini 100% Natural Actives Vaginal Intimate Lightening Whitening Feminine Hygiene Deodorant Gel Wash for Women Non Staining & Itching like Serum Cream Oil, Moisturizr Maintains pH Reduces Hyper Pigmentation Melanin Production & Restores Natural color (Aloe Vera Oak Gall TulsiNeemExt) Tea Tree Oil & Lactic Acid is a combination of Herbs, Prevents Itching, Reduces Dryness, Acts as a Moisturizer, Whitening Lightening effective wash maintains pH 3.5 Removes foul smell and Decreases Intimacy Inhibition. Vigini Whitening intimate Vaginal Feminine wash for women scores over Intimate Whitening lightening Serum Cream as wash cleanses and removes dead cells gives a feeling of cleanliness around intimatearea. Unlike intimate cream serum or oil which stays on longer duration on the skin causing itching and staining. Vigini Intimate whitening lightening wash gel gives a clean bright fresh feel of Intimate area.No Bleaching Agent, No Added Colour,NoParaben,NoSulphates,No Added Colors & Fragrance, No Mineral Oil and is Hypoallergenic. ViginiIntimate Whitening Lightening wash provides multiple benefits with one single product. With its ingredients like Amla, Tulsi and Cucumber extract it helps in lightening dark spots and whitening the skin tone of your private part. Lactic acid maintains necessary pH balance and ingredients like Tea Tree oil have antiseptic properties which helps in preventing fungal infections treat rashes and itching. Its natural ingredients are very safe to use and avoids any unnecessary usage of chemicals.
Enriched with Natural Active ingredients for Intimate Whitening LighteningBrighteningwith balanced pH helps maintains hygiene, prevents infection, burning sensation & maintains Odour free Vagina and Intimate Area.
Vigini Intimate Lightening Whitening is good to be used for Intimate Lightening Whitening Wash for Men.Can be used comfortably in over sweating unlike cream serum or oil and is washable comfortably leaving fresh clean cool odor free sensation. A small quantity is required per application thus lasts Longer."

Vigini 100% Natural Actives Vaginal V Tightening Firming Intimate feminine Hygeine Moisturizer Lightening Whitening Deodorant Gel,Water Based No Added Color& Fragrance,NonStaining,NonSticky,Washable unlike Serum CreamOil,Reduces Itching Dryness irritation. Effective Lubricant & Moisturizing Lubricating Lubrication Lube. Actives Vagina Tightening Whitening Gel is an Anti Ageing formula helps vagina regain natural tone and elasticity. Natural Actives increase estrogen level and form new tissues.NaturalExtracts Reduce pigmentation, lighten the color of Intimate area & bikini lines. Helps eliminate foul smell, prevents from infection and keeps Intimate area clean & healthy. Locks natural wetness of intimate area and improves elasticity. Reduces dryness, provides instant tightness you feel desirable sensuous & confident.No Bleaching Agent, No Added Colour, No Paraben , No Sulphates, No Added Colors & Fragrance, No Mineral Oil and is Hypoallergenic. Aloe vera soothing properties and is known to help in softening the skin. Intimate Whitening Gel, has moisturizing properties and relieves symptoms of vaginal dryness.Vigini V-Tightening &Whitening Gel is developed as a three in one solution. It contains Intimate area Whitening activeslike Catechu , Curcuma Comosa which helps to form new tissues and also develop new cells. It helps to muscles, create youthfulness of vaginal skin. Natural Ingredients helps reduce pigmentation and lighten the skin around the vaginal area. Aloe Vera extract nourish skin, keep it moisturized. Pomengranate extract rich in Vitamin C improve collagen growth.Oak Gall, ButeaFrondosa increase estrogen levels & increase tightness and lubrication,Vegetable Collagen strengthens inner walls, Alum with its astringent properties provides antimicrobial and healing effects.

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