Farrakhan Defends Kanye for Speaking Out Against the Jews and ZOG

2 years ago

source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/19NEtdoeg9Yc/

Back when Kanye got the jews on his case years ago, Minister Farrakhan said this to the ADL:
"I wish you and I could have a dialogue: You wouldn't put that small-time stuff over on me that you put on scared to death Negroes, that if they mentioned you and you call them"anti-semitic," they start bowing to you and your pressure.
Kanye West, don't bow to the pressure to apologize to anybody!
You said nothing wrong!"
Farrakhan said it: It is the jews' fear of the truth that makes them screech out accusations of "anti-semitism" so they can go on abusing us all.
Don't be afraid to speak the truth.

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