Red State Just Triggered Biden – They Filled Joe’s Big Border Gaps with a Makeshift Barrier in AZ

2 years ago

Red State Just Triggered President Biden – They Filled Joe’s Big Border Gaps with a Makeshift Barrier in Arizona

From all that we’ve seen of the Biden administration, they really don’t care about defending our border. That might sound like partisan rhetoric, but honestly, what has Biden done to ensure millions of illegals aren’t flooding our country?

Show me… I’ll wait.

In fact, Biden seems to be going out of his way to make sure border jumpers have a clear path into the country. States like Texas and Arizona are constantly fighting the administration, which will stop at nothing to ensure the border is open. In


, the governor created a brilliant barrier to stop illegals.

Guess what Biden accused him of doing?

From Fox News:

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey was accused this week by the Biden administration of trespassing as the Republican governor makes efforts to fill gaps along the U.S.-Mexico. border with shipping containers…

Ducey’s plan is to cover a 10-mile section of the border using more than 2,700 containers, each 60-feet long.

But the Biden administration continues to demand Ducey remove the barriers, with claims that the state is trespassing on federal lands.

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