Charles Grassley Bus Tour - I’m Going to Continue My Investigations Into the Bidens' Wherever...

2 years ago

Sunday, October 30, 2022 at the Terrace Hills Golf Course Kim Reynolds and her Republican team’s bus tour stopped in Altoona to speak to voters in the area with only 9 days until the November midterm elections.

Grassley begins “With enthusiasm like that you know why you have a one in nine tenths trillion dollar surplus in the state treasury right?” Grassley continues to back up Kim Reynolds claims on parental control over children by saying “I’m going to continue my efforts in Washington D.C. to make sure that the FBI doesn’t go to the school board meeting and intimidate you.”

He continues “I’m going to continue my investigations into the Bidens' wherever the money trail or the facts take me. We’re going to make sure that we have strict constructionists on the courts in this country if I get to be chairman of the judiciary committee again. We have a 6 to 3 constitutional majority on the supreme court that’s going to deliver constitutional decisions.”

Grassley thanks everyone who voted for him, and states “If Iowans think you’re taking their vote for granted, you might not get it, so I humbly ask you to vote for me and this team.” “If I’m elected to the Iowa Senate, I’ll be number one in the Senate, and Iowa will be number one on my agenda.” Grassley then claims “if my opponent’s elected, he’ll be number one hundred.”

Grassley then highlights inflation by stating “Remember that was one and four tenths percent January 20th 2021. Remember that gas was about $2.30 or 35 cents, January 1st, 2001.” Grassley most likely misspoke and meant 2021. “Remember the border was secure on January 20th, 2021….And look at what it is under the Biden administration…Inflation 8.2%...Gas $3…Well it’s gone down a little bit, but diesel hasn’t gone down, and you’re paying $5.10 for it. You may not know it, if you don’t have to buy diesel, but everything you buy is delivered by a truck.” He continues “8 percent inflation is because of the price of diesel, and that’s directly related to this president’s energy policies.” Grassley then hones in on fracking… “Regulations on fracking… Banks don’t loan to energy companies. Then you wonder why it goes so high. Then you wonder how were independent…Energy independent January 20th a year ago, and now we’re begging other countries to send us oil. There’s no sense of doing that. We don’t have to do it!” Grassley then focuses on securing the borders & fentanyl. “And securing the borders. You know fentanyl comin’ across that border killed two hundred Iowans last year…seventy-thousand Americans, because this president isn’t enforcing law. And do not let anyone tell you we are not an immigrant friendly nation, because we have about a million people come here every year legally and we welcome them, but not people violating our laws.”

Grassley then targets his opponent Mike Franken’s response on Biden’s performance during a television interview in which his opponent said “Biden’s doing a fabulous job.” Grassley then claims Franken said “He’d like to make Iowa more progressive than California.” Grassley continues “When he was asked about the border and the wall… “It was an idiotic idea,” but the wall worked, the wall works I hope you know. I’ve been down there and I can see that it can work.” Grassley continues “Now you may think this is a Halloween joke, but it was said three months ago. Our governor ought to get on a broom and fly away.” Grassley continues to highlight other anti-conservative statements of his opponent. Grassley then sets up the stage for Zach Nunn.

Speakers included:

Kim Reynolds - Governor of Iowa:

Zach Nunn – US Congress Candidate:

Mark Weatherly – Iowa House District 39 Candidate:

Brenna Bird – Republican Iowa Attorney General Candidate:

Charles Grassley – President Pro Tempore & Iowa Senator:

Adam Gregg – Iowa Lieutenant Governor:

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