How To Deal With Anger and Fear

2 years ago

#Anger Management, # Anger, # Fear #ShayoliHope
How to deal with Anger and fear

Welcome back to our videos on emotions related to overwhelm. This week we are talking about Anger and Fear.

Anger and Fear let's get started.

How does Overwhelm cause anger and fear and what can we do about it.

Fear comes first after our stress and anxiety, but anger can be the most dangerous.
Fear usually comes along with or right after the stress and anxiety we talked about in our former video.

Why do we have fear if we are overwhelmed?

Fear of not making the deadlines.

Fear of embarrassment Looking bad because we couldn’t do what was asked of us.
All we can do is do our best to stay focused as much as possible. And whatever happens, it’s going to anyway. We can not control any more than doing our best. So accept who you are and what you can do.

Fear of letting down or upsetting loved ones while we are trying to meet deadlines and keep up with everything. We have other obligations to so many areas of our life. So we just need to learn the required skills to try and keep life balanced and not take on more than we can handle when it's a choice.

Fear of what others may think. We can not control what others think. And sometimes we imagine things. People aren't thinking badly of us and it is our own perceptions.
So the biggest thing is what you think of yourself. You owe it to yourself to recognize the Divine being you are. That you are amazing and doing your best and what others think is not to worry about.

How Does Fear Cause Anger?

I believe that being very overwhelmed can make even a person that doesn’t get angry get triggered to anger. We all have our breaking point. That is where we will come to a breaking point and the little things cause us to be angry

I have 10 habits/ tips to practice with managing fear and anger

Think before you speak.
In the heat of the moment take a moment to take a deep breath and gather your thoughts before speaking and allow others involved to do the same.

Once you are calm, explain your concerns
Once you are calm, voice your concerns. What your needs are and why you are upset. It’s ok to validate your feelings without hurting others.

Get some exercise

Take a time out

Timeouts aren’t just for kids. Give yourself a short break during times of the day that tend to be the most stressed and overwhelming. A few moments of quiet time might help you be prepared for what lies ahead without being overwhelmed and angry.

Identify possible solutions

Instead of focusing on what made you mad think about how to resolve it and how you can change it, so it doesn’t happen again. Example of resolving.

Stick with I statements

Instead of attacking or criticizing anyone, use i statements and let the person know how you feel. I'm upset you don’t help with dishes after we eat.
I was embarrassed when I could figure this out in front of all those people in the group.

Don't hold a grudge over what happened.

Forgiveness is a powerful tool. If you allow anger and other negative feelings to cloud positive ones, you may become bitter and unhappy. This only hurts you.

Use humor to release tension.

I love to laugh and I love to make others laugh. This is my favorite one. Lighten up. It will relieve the tension. It can diffuse the anger.

Practice relaxation skills

When your temper flares it's time to put relaxation skills to use. Practice deep breathing exercises, yoga, or repeat calming phrases, such as I am calm, Calm down, I'm okay, I am under control. You might listen to music, write your feelings in a journal and burn it. Whatever calms you down.

Know when to seek help

There are so many Holistic skills, habits, and practices for releasing emotions. Especially with anger, it is important to know when to get help from a facilitator that can help you and teach you these skills. I'm grateful I got help and learned so many of these skills. I am so grateful I am certified to help others.

So, we have learned about the emotions that can be the most dangerous to our emotional and physical body when we are Overwhelmed and maybe just in general.

Our Mindset is another important piece to the puzzle. Without the mindset or will to put some practices into place and learn the things we need to do; we can't learn and grow into the best person we can be. Mindset is what we will talk about next. So, stay tuned.

Join Us in Person!

Rejuvenate YOU! 3-Day in person event:
00:00 Welcome and Intro
01:16 Anger and Fear and How to Deal with It
01:38 How does Overwhelm cause Fear and Anger?
What Can be done about it?
02:13 Why Do We Have Fear When We Are Overwhelmed?
05:03 Habits/Tips for Managing Anger
08:30 More Tips
13:54 We've learned how to deal with anger and fear.
14:05 Ending and goodby

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