8th Declaration of Truth - REPUBLIC, New California, Amador County - 11/01/22

2 years ago

The current government of the State of California has FAILED in their sacred agreement with WE THE PEOPLE and the Constitutions of the State of California and the Unites States to provide a REPUBLIC Form of Government. The current state government has ABDICATED her Constitutional duties through EMERGENCY ORDINANCE, ELECTION FRAUD, criminal RACKETEERING, INVASION across the border, DISLOYALTY to its masters (We the People) and has now denigrated the State of California into manifest LAWLESSNESS. The current State of California has effectively conducted insurrection and secession from the Union of States per the United States Constitution. We the People REFUSE to be subject to an ongoing and indefinite train of domestic abuse.

These heinous abuses have been detailed in New California State's first 7 of 10 DECLARATIONS of TRUTH, as well as this 8th Declaration which describes the state's failure to protect citizens of California from a globalist and socialist agenda.

It is the Constitutional duty of the people to Provide New Guards against these ancient, crafty schemes and expose it for all history. Our children will grow in a new land, and by God's Grace and the human godliness that only the Most High God Provides, we will dominate and protect our land.

God bless.


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