Elden Ring Ep 15 YT

2 years ago

Full Gameplay 1st Playthrough PS5 Elden Ring come join me on this golden amateur adventure of mines... Any suggestions on my video's would be great. Please follow me on Twitch and like and Please Subscribe to my Youtube Channel and hit the Bell Notification

0:00- Intro/ Demi- Human Queen Staff
1:27- Earthbore Cave
2:35- Rune Beare/ Spelldrake Talisman
3:05- Irinia's Letter
6:00- Tombsward Catacomb
8:23- I should be great.
9:40- Cemetery Shade Miniboss
11:37- Choppy, choppy. Machete blade.
13:30- Hidden Path
16:00- Black Knife Assassin
22:00- Outro/ Plz Like & Subscribe

Thanks for watching. Have a great day, later.

Follow me on (Twitch) https://www.twitch.tv/chaoticpromises and
Please Like and subscribe to the youtube channel. I Would greatly appreciate it.

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