Patches do not work (The new cloth and the old garment Mark 2:21-22, Matthew 9:16-17)

2 years ago

Patches do not work (The new cloth and the old garment Mark 2:21-22, Matthew 9:16-17)
Kids today will not understand the struggle of trying to keep a pair of jeans in your regular rotation as long, as possible. When I was younger a ripped or torn pair of jeans was not trash, it was an opportunity for you mom to get the sewing kit out and patch them up for so you can keep wearing them. Back then we did not pay big money for jeans that was already stylishly ripped or torn, and you did your best to make things last you, if possible. Our parents may have had the money for a new pair of jeans but that was not the point, they wanted you to learn to value what you have and be appreciative of it. The patch work would cover up holes and keep the jeans in your rotation a little longer until they absolutely had to be replaced. This worked for an old pair of jeans, but it will never work for the spirit of an individual. Sometimes instead of throwing the old in our life away and completely starting new with God we try to use religion to patch things up in our lives instead of allowing a relationship with God transform us.
We think we can patch up the mess in our lives by showing up to church occasionally, so that we will feel good about ourselves. We think that by saying a prayer when things get difficult, we will patch up the mess that we are in, and God will bail us out. We throw little patches in the offering plate or listen to Christian music in the car, but we still cling to our old nature just hoping to smooth things up with patches. Patches do not work in the spiritual, God wants us completely to throw the old torn jeans away and become clothed in His Righteousness. (2 Corinthians 5:21) He does not want a relationship with us where we only call upon him to patch a problem in our life, Jesus wants a relationship where we are consumed and cover by His love every minute of every day. Religious people use God to patch holes in their life while Disciples of Christ know that God owes us nothing and we are extremely grateful that he loves us despite this. Disciples do not want anything in return they simply cling to the only hope that they know that they have, Jesus Christ. Examine your heart today to ensure that you are in a true relationship with Jesus and not using God as a patch system for your life.

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