Pharma funds 75% of MSM's ad revenue, buys both loyalty and ad space | Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

2 years ago

According to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK), about 75% of U.S. mainstream media's (MSM) advertising revenue is paid for by pharmaceutical companies.

Of course this money buys advertising space. What is less evident is that its influence extends beyond the commercial breaks. The investment also buys loyalty from the media. It's basically a bribe.

The media will do what is beneficial to pharma and not do what is detrimental to pharma. They will promote desirable content and spin or censor undesirable content. Why? Because they want to keep receiving pharma's significant revenue stream in the future.

For example, the media are likely to report anything positive about for example molnupiravir and paxlovid, and anything negative about hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. Conversely, they are unlikely to report anything negative about molnupiravir and paxlovid, and anything positive about hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.

MSM are very unlikely to discuss the lack of necessity, safety and/or efficacy of highly profitable medications. They will also be reluctant to discuss fraud, manipulation and corruption by the health agencies and pharmaceutical companies. For this reason, they will never allow somebody like RFK on their channel, since he is sure to expose this.

Furthermore, MSM is reluctant to discuss alternatives to highly profitable treatment of disease symptoms, such as healthier diet/lifestyle/environment, sun exposure, et cetera.

Note that pharma is hardly the first to realize the importance of buying loyalty with advertising investment. Cigarette companies did the same. They basically paid media companies to stay quiet on the harms of cigarettes for decades. In fact, the motives behind the investment in 'advertising' may be 50% promotion and 50% hush money.

Pharma has moved beyond commercial breaks to directly sponsoring programs, see:

All main stream media shows, brought to you by PFIZER!

The MSM work for their financiers, not the public. They are not involved in balanced reporting, but in propaganda disguised as balanced reporting. It's a huge risk to consumers of MSM's content if they fail to see through the disguise.

The slur 'presstitute' (combination of press and prostitute) is well deserved.

MSM will defend itself by claiming their news department operates completely independently from their marketing department. This is unbelievable. No for-profit company will forsake the vast majority of its revenue. Even if the company would do it, individual employees who need their employer to do well in order to keep their attractive job, won't.

Propagandists have long ago realized that successful propaganda requires not just repeating the sample simple message over and over again, but also the silencing all conflicting messages. Pharma's huge investment buys not just the broadcasting of their advertising message, but also the censorship of content that is detrimental to pharma interests.


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