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Jesus elucidates His Work on Earth ❤️ Jesus Christ reveals The Third Testament Chapter 11
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THE THIRD TESTAMENT Chapter 11 – Revelations of Jesus Christ
The Work of Jesus on earth
The Baptism in the Jordan; the Time of Preparation in the Desert
Thus saith the Lord…
1. Sweet Jesus, the humble Nazarene who had awaited the hour in which his lips would issue the Divine word, sought out John, on the banks of the Jordan, to receive from him the waters of baptism. Did Jesus go in search of purification? No, people. Did He go to follow some rite? No. Jesus knew that the hour had arrived in which He ceased to be ; the hour in which the man disappeared so that the Spirit could speak, and He wished to mark that hour by an act that would engrave itself upon the memory of humanity.
2. The symbolic waters did not need to cleanse any stain, but did serve as an example to humanity, for they took from that body all its ties to the world, allowing melting itself in its will with the spirit. It was then that those who witnessed the act heard a humanized Divine voice say: “This is My beloved son, in whom I am well pleased. Listen to Him”.
3. As of that moment, Christ, the Divine Word, manifested Himself verbally through Jesus. Men referred to Jesus as Rabbi, Divine Master, Messenger, Messiah, and the Son of God. (308, 25 – 27)
4. Later I went into the desert to meditate, to teach you to enter into communion with the Creator and contemplate from the silence of the desert the work that awaited Me, and to teach you with it that to raise yourselves to the fulfillment of the work that I have entrusted you, first you must purify yourself. Then, in the silence of your being, seek direct communion with your Father, and thusly prepared, clean, strengthened, and resolved, rise with firmness to the fulfillment of your delicate mission. (113, 9)
The Unity of Jesus Christ with God
5. I manifested Myself verbally three years through Jesus and My words or thoughts were never distorted or misrepresented. He fulfilled My will through each of his deeds. He did that because Jesus and Christ were truly one, similar to how Christ is truly One with the Divine Father. (308, 28)
6. Behold the Father in Me, for truly I tell you that Christ is One with the Father from eternity, even before the worlds came to be.
7. In the Second Era that Christ, who is One with God, incarnated on earth in the blessed body of Jesus and in this way He came to be the Son of God, but only as Man, for again I say to you that only one God exists. (9, 48)
8. If I became man in Jesus, it was not to give you the impression that God has a human form, but to make Myself be seen and heard by those who were blind and deaf to all which is Divine.
9. If the body of Christ had been the body of Jehovah, in truth I say to you, that He would not have bled or died. His was a perfect body but human and sensitive so that humanity could behold Him and through Him hear the voice of their Heavenly Father. (3, 82)
10. “There were two natures in Jesus, one material, human, created by My will in the virginal bosom of Mary, which I named the Son of Man, and the other Divine, the Spirit, who was named the Son of God. In this was the Divine Word of the Father, who spoke in Jesus; the other was only material and visible”. (21, 29)
11. Christ, the Word of God, was He who spoke through the mouth of Jesus, the clean and pure man.
12. Jesus the man was born, lived, and died, but, regarding the Christ, He was not born, nor did He grow in the world, nor did He die; for He is the Voice of love, the Spirit of love, the Divine Word, and the expression of the wisdom of the Creator, who has been always with the Father. (91, 28 – 29)
The Rejection of Jesus as the awaited Messiah
13. In the Second Era I was not recognized by all. When I appeared in the bosom of the Jewish people, who were already expecting Me because they had seen the signs given by the prophets fulfilled, My presence confused many who had not known how to interpret the prophecies. They expected to see their Messiah as a powerful prince who struck down his enemies, who humiliated kings and their oppressors, and who conceded possessions and earthly goods to those who awaited Him.
14. When this people beheld Jesus poor and barefoot, covering his body with a humble tunic, when they saw him born in a stable and then working as a humble craftsman, they could not believe that He was the envoy of the Father. It was necessary for the Master to perform miracles and tangible works for them to believe and comprehend his Divine message. (227, 12 – 13)
15. Always it has been the humble and the poor who discover My presence, for their understanding is not filled with human theories to keep them from clear judgment.
16. It happened also in the Second Era, that the coming of the Messiah having been proclaimed, when He arrived, those who sensed him were the simple of heart, those of humble spirit and clean understanding.
17. The theologians had the books of the prophets in their hands, and daily repeated the words that proclaimed the signs, the time, and the way in which the Messiah would come; nonetheless, they saw Me, and did not recognize Me, heard Me, and denied that I was the promised Savior; saw My works, and knew only how to be scandalized, when in truth, all of this had been prophesized. (l50, 21 – 23)
18. Today they do not doubt Jesus, but many argue and still deny My Divinity. Some attribute to Me great spiritual elevation, others claim that I too walk along the path of the evolution of the spirit to reach the Father; but if that were so I would not have come to tell you: “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” (170, 7)
Jesus as the Guest of Salvation among the Humble People
19. “Your mission is to imitate your Divine Master during His stay on earth; remember that when I visited the homes, I always left in them a message of peace, I healed the sick, I consoled the sorrowful with the Divine power which love possesses”.
20. “Never did I fail to enter a home because I would not be believed there; I knew that on leaving that place, the heart of its dwellers would still be overflowing with joy, for unknowingly, their spirit had glimpsed the Kingdom of Heaven, through My teaching”.
21. “At times I went to their hearts, in others, they searched for Me; but in all cases My love was the bread of eternal life, that I delivered to them in the essence of My word”. (28, 3 – 5)
Jesus the Tireless Preacher
22. On some occasions when I retired to the solitude of a valley, only at moments did I remain alone, because the multitudes, eager to hear Me approached their Master in search of the infinite gentleness of His gaze. I received them, pouring upon those men, women and children, the tenderness of My infinite charity, knowing that in each creature there was a spirit that I had come to seek in the world. Then I spoke to them about the Kingdom of Heaven, which is the true home of the spirit, in order for them to soothe their anxieties with My word and be strengthened with the hope of attaining eternal life.
23. “There were occasions when there was someone concealed among the multitude who harbored the intention of shouting denials of My truth, assuring that I was a false prophet; but My word would surprise him before He had a chance to open his lips. At other times, I permitted a blasphemer to offend Me, to prove before the multitude that the Master was not disturbed by offenses, thus giving them an example of humility and love”.
24. There were some who, ashamed before My gentleness, left immediately, repentant for having offended with their doubts the One who with His deeds was preaching the truth; and as soon as an opportunity presented itself, they came to Me, they followed Me along the pathways, tearful, moved by My word, not even daring to speak and ask forgiveness for the insults which they had previously inflicted upon Me. I would call them, caress them with My word, and granted them a certain grace. (28, 6 – 7)
25. Listen: When I was on the earth with you, men came to Me in caravans, men of high rank covered in vanity, and rulers who secretly sought Me out to hear Me. Some admired Me, but from fear did not admit it, others denied Me.
26. To Me came multitudes formed by men, women, and children, and they listened to Me morning, afternoon, and night. Always they found the Master willing to provide them with the word of God. They forgot themselves as they beheld the Master neglecting himself, and they didn’t know when He ate so that his body would not waste away or his voice weaken, for they did not know that Jesus took strength from his own spirit and within himself found sustenance. (241, 23)
The Love of Jesus for Children and Nature
27. There were times when, being alone, I was discovered by children who came to watch Me to offer Me little flowers, tell Me some little complaint and give Me their little kisses.
28. Their mothers were embarrassed on finding their little ones in My arms hearing My Word; the disciples, believing this to be a lack of respect for the Master, tried to chase them away from Me, it was then that I had to say to them: “Let the children come unto Me, for to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven it is necessary to have the purity, the straightforwardness, and the simplicity of children.”
29. I enjoyed that innocence and candor just as one is delighted to see a flower bud about to open. (262, 62 – 64)
30. How many times did his disciples find Jesus conversing with the various creatures of the Universe! How many times was the Master found in dialog with birds, the fields, or the sea! But they knew that the Master had not lost his mind. They knew that within their Master there vibrated the Creating Spirit of the Father; He who had given language to all beings, He who understood all his children, He who received praise and love from all He had made.
31. How many times did his disciples or the people see Jesus caressing a bird or a flower, and blessing them all. In his eyes was seen a gaze of infinite love for all creatures. The disciples guessed the Divine joy of that Lord upon seeing him surrounded in such splendor, and of the wonders springing from his wisdom; and many times too, they saw tears in the eyes of the Master, as He beheld the indifference of men to such grandeur, the insensibility and blindness of the human creatures in the face of such splendor. Many times they saw the Master cry when He beheld the leper weeping because of his leprosy; and men and women complaining of their fate, even while they were being held in the lap of perfect love! (332, 25 – 26)
The Doctrine of Jesus
32. Jesus showed you charity, meekness, and love. He came to teach you to pardon your enemies from the heart, to say to you that you must flee from lies, and love truth; He made manifest to you that for the evil as well as the good done to you, you must return always good. He taught you to respect each one of your fellows, and showed you how to find the health of body and spirit and to honor with your life the names of your parents, so that you in your turn may be honored by your children.
33. Here are some of the mandates that must be followed by all who truly wish to be Christians. (151, 35-36)
34. When the Scribes and Pharisees observed the acts of Jesus and found that they differed from their own, they said that the Doctrine that He preached went against the Law of Moses. They were confusing the Law with the traditions, but I proved that I had not come to transgress the Law that the Father had revealed to Moses, but to fulfill it in word and deed.
35. Truly, I did set aside many of the traditions of that people, for the time had come for them to disappear in order to give birth to a new Era of more elevated teachings. (149, 42 – 43)
36. Remember that in the first precept of the Law that Moses gave to humanity it said, “Thou shall not make any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven to bow down to and adore.” From that day the road was clearly traced for humanity, and for the spirit.
37. Moses did not limit himself to transmitting the Ten Commandments to men; He also instituted secondary laws for human life, rites and symbols within the spiritual worship, all according to the steps that the human spirit was then taking.
38. But the promised Messiah came and erased traditions, rites, symbols, and sacrifices, leaving intact only the Law, and it was for this reason that when the Pharisees said to the people that Jesus went against the laws of Moses, I responded that I did not go against the Law, but rather in fulfillment of it. If I came erasing traditions, it was because in following them the people had forgotten to observe the Law. (254, 17 – 18)
39. The Divine yearning of Jesus was for his disciples to become the sowers of his redeeming Doctrine; and so it was that in the supreme moment of his last lecture to his disciples, which was also the last conversation between the Father and his children, He said in a sweet voice: “A new commandment I give unto you: That ye love one another,” kindling, from the light of that maxim, humanity’s greatest hope. (254, 59)
40. My Word in this Era shall not erase those I said to you in the Second. Times, centuries, and Eras will fade, but the words of Jesus shall not. Today I come to explain and reveal the content of that which I told you then, and which you did not understand. (114, 47)
The “Miracles” of Jesus
41. So that this teaching would kindle faith in the hearts [of men], I accompanied it with miracles so that the teaching would be loved by them, and so that those miracles would be more tangible, I performed them in the bodies of the sick: I healed the blind, the deaf, the mute, the paralyzed, the possessed, and lepers. I even raised the dead.
42. How many miracles of love Christ performed among men! Their names were gathered by history as an example to future generations. (151, 37 – 38)
43. Beings of light in the service of the Divine Work, and others rebellious and ignorant, came from everywhere, and there appeared among that humanity possessed persons who science did not know how to liberate and who were repudiated by the people. Neither the doctors of the Law, nor the physicians were able to restore those sick to health.
44. But I was disposed to all to teach and give proof of love, and I granted through Jesus the healing of these creatures, to the astonishment of many.
45. The skeptical, those who had heard talk of the power of Jesus and knew of his miracles, sought the most difficult tests to make him vacillate an instant and demonstrate that He was not infallible; and the freeing of the possessed, returning them to the state of normal beings with only a touch or a look, or by directing an order to them so that those spiritual beings abandoned their minds, and one and all were freed from their heavy burden, confused them.
46. Before this power, the Pharisees, the scientists, the scribes, and publicans had different reactions. Some recognized the authority of Jesus, others attributed his power to strange influences, others could find nothing to say, but the sick who had been healed blessed His name.
47. Some had been possessed by only a single spirit, others by seven, as was Mary Magdalene, and others by numbers so large that they themselves said they were legion.
48. Throughout the life of the Master spiritual manifestations occurred, some were seen by the twelve disciples, others by the people on the roads or in their homes. It was the time of prodigies, of marvels. (339, 20 – 22)
49. “The miracle, according to the way you understand it, does not exist; there is nothing contradictory between the Divine and the material”.
50. You attribute many miracles to Jesus and truly I say to you, that His deeds were the natural effect of love, of that Divine force which although present within each spirit, you still do not know how to use it, because you do not want to know the virtue of love.
51. What existed in all the miracles which Jesus performed, if it was not love?
52. Listen, O disciples: In order for the love of God to manifest itself to mankind, the humility of the instrument was necessary, and Jesus was always humble, and as He came to give an example to men, He said to you on a certain occasion that without the will of His Heavenly Father, He could do nothing. He, who does not penetrate in the humility of those words, will believe that Jesus was an ordinary man, but the truth is that He wanted to give you a lesson of humility.
53. He knew that humility, that unity with the Father, made Him Almighty before mankind.
54. O! Immense and beautiful transfiguration that love, humility and wisdom gives!
55. Now you realize why Jesus, although saying that He could accomplish nothing without the will of His Father, in reality could master it all, because He was obedient, because He was humble, because He became the servant of the Law and of men, and because He knew how to love.
56. Recognize then that, you yourselves knowing some of the virtues of the spiritual love, still do not feel it, and that is why you cannot understand the reason for that which you call a miracle or Mystery, but which are deeds made possible by the Divine love.
57. What teachings did Jesus give you which were not of love? What learning, methods or Mysterious knowledge did He employ in leaving you His examples of power and wisdom? Only the sweetness of love, with which everything can be accomplished.
58. There is nothing contradictory in the laws of the Father, simple in their wisdom and wise because they are saturated with love.
59. Understand the Master, He is your Book. (17, 11 – 21)
60. The spirit which inspired Jesus was My very own, that of your God, who became man to dwell among you and allowed himself to be seen because it was necessary that it be so. As man, I felt all human suffering. Men of science, who had studied nature came to Me and found that they knew nothing of My teaching. The great and small, the virtuous and sinners, the innocent and guilty received the essence of My word, and I made them all worthy of My presence. And while many were called, few were the chosen, and even fewer were close to Me. (44, 10)
The Adulteress
61. I defended the sinners. Do you not recall the adulteress? When she was brought to Me, persecuted and condemned by the multitudes, the pharisees came and asked Me, what should we do with her? The priests hoped that I would say, bring her to justice, in order that they might later say, how could you teach love and permit the sinner to be punished? And had I said, let her go, they would have answered, in the laws of Moses, which you claim to be confirming, there is a mandate which says: Every woman who is found to be adulterous shall be stoned to death!
62. Observing their intentions, I did not answer their words, and leaning over, I wrote in the dust of the earth the sins of those who were judging her. Again they asked Me what they should do with that woman and I answered them, let anyone who is free of sin throw the first stone. Then recognizing their errors, they left, covering their faces. No one was pure, and sensing that I saw into the depths of their hearts, they no longer accused that woman for all of them had sinned. The woman, along with others who had also committed adultery, repented and did not sin again. I say to you, that it is easier to convert a sinner through love than through harshness. (44, 11)
Mary Magdalene
63. Mary Magdalene, the sinner, as the world has called her, merited My affection and My forgiveness.
64. She achieved her redemption quickly, which does not happen with others that weakly ask for pardon for their sins; while she quickly found that which she sought, others do not achieve it.
65. Magdalene won forgiveness for herself without making a display of her repentance, she had sinned as you sin, but she loved much.
66. One who loves may have errors in his human conduct, but love is the affection that overflows the heart; if you wish to be pardoned, like her, turn your eyes to Me full of love and trust, and you will, like her, be absolved of all stain.
67. That woman did not sin again, the love that overflowed from her heart she consecrated to the Doctrine of the Master.
68. She was forgiven although she had committed errors, but in her heart she bore the purifying fire, and for the forgiveness the sinner received, she did not again leave Jesus for an instant, sooner did My disciples leave Me alone than that little one; Mary did not leave Me, did not deny Me, and did not feel shame or fear.
69. To her was granted to cry at the foot of the cross and over My sepulcher, her spirit was soon redeemed for loving much.
70. In her heart, she too bore the spirit of an apostle; her conversion shines like the light of truth; she knew to humble herself before My feet to say to Me: “Lord, if you wish it, I will be saved from sin.”
71. While you, how many times have you tried to convince Me of your innocence covering your faults with long prayers?
72. No, disciples, learn from her; love your Lord truly in each one of your brothers. Love much, and your sins will be forgiven. Great will you be when you make that truth flower in your heart. (212, 68 – 75)
Nicodemus and the Question of Reincarnation
73. In that time I said to Nicodemus, who had sought Me out in good faith to speak with Me: That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said to you that you must be born again. Who understood those words?
74. With them I wished to say to you that one human life is not enough to understand even one of My lessons, and for you to come to understand the book that this life encompasses, many existences are necessary to you. Therefore the flesh must serve only as a crutch for the spirit in its journey on earth. (151, 59)
The Transfiguration of Jesus
75. During the Second Time, Jesus was walking one day followed by his disciples. They had climbed a mountain, and while the Master astonished those men with his words, they suddenly beheld the transfigured body of their Lord, which floated in space, having the spirit of Moses to its right and that of Elijah to its left.
76. The disciples, blinded by the Divine light, fell to the ground before that supernatural vision, but calming themselves quickly, they proposed that their Master place upon his shoulders the royal purple mantle, the same as upon Moses and Elijah. Then they heard a voice which descended from the infinite and said, This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. Listen to him.
77. Great fear invaded the disciples when they heard that voice. Lifting their eyes, they saw only their Master who said to them: Do not fear nor tell anyone about this vision until I have resurrected from among the dead. Then they asked the Lord, why do the scribes say that it is necessary for Elijah to come first? And Jesus answered, truly, Elijah shall come first and restore all things. But I say to you that Elijah has already come and they knew him not. Rather they did with him as they pleased. Then the disciples understood that He spoke to them of John the Baptist.
78. “In this era, how many times have I made the speaker through whom I communicate disappear before your eyes so that you might behold Me in the human form of Jesus, the form in which humanity knew Me; yet, you have not knelt before the new transfiguration”. (29, 15 – 18)
Lack of Courage to Commit Oneself
79. In those days when as man I lived among you, it happened many times that at night, when all slept, there were men who came to find Me secretly, fearing to be discovered, for they felt regret for having yelled and raised a scandal against Me as I spoke to the crowd; and their regret was more intense when it proved that in their hearts My word had left a gift of peace and light, and that My healing balm had flowed over their bodies.
80. Heads hanging, they presented themselves to Me, saying: Master, pardon us; we have recognized the truth of your word. And I answered them: “If you have found that I speak only truth, why do you hide? Do you not go out to receive the rays of the sun when it appears, and when have you ever been ashamed of the sun? He who loves Me truly never hides it, or denies it, or feels shame for it.
81. I speak to you in this way, because I see many that come to see Me stealthily, lying as to where they have gone, hiding what they have heard, and sometimes denying that they have been with Me. Of what are you ashamed? (133, 23 – 26)
The Harassment of Jesus
82. In the Second Era I spoke to the multitudes. My word, perfect in essence and form, was heard by all. My gaze, penetrating hearts, saw all that was kept there by each one. In some there was doubt, in others faith, and in others an anguished voice spoke to Me: They were the sick, who pain had made hope for a miracle from Me. There were some who tried to hide their mockery when they heard Me say that I came from the Father to bring to men the Kingdom of Heaven, and there were hearts wherein I found hatred for Me, and intentions of silencing Me or making Me disappear.
83. Those were the prideful: the Pharisees who felt affected by My truth. For in spite of My word being so clear, so full of love, and so comforting, in spite of being always confirmed by powerful works, many men persisted in looking for [another supposed] truth behind My presence, judging Me in the form of Jesus, scrutinizing My life, concentrating on the humility of My vestments and My absolute poverty of material goods.
84. And not content with judging Me, they judged My disciples, observing them closely when they spoke, when they followed Me on the roads, and when they sat at the table. How scandalized were the Pharisees when one time My disciples sat at a table without washing their hands. Poor minds that confuse the washing of the body with the purity of the spirit! They did not realize that when in the temple they took up the sacred bread, they did it with clean hands but hearts full of rot. (356, 37 – 38)
85. Mankind scrutinized Me at each step. All of My words and deeds were judged with evil intent. Most of the time men were confused by My deeds or by the evidence I offered because their human mind was not capable of comprehending that which only the spirit can comprehend.
86. If I prayed, they would say, why does He pray if He claims to be full of power and wisdom? What can He need or request? And if I did not pray, they would say that I did not fulfill the obligation of their religion.
87. If they saw that I did not nourish Myself while My disciples ate, they judged that I was not following the laws instituted by God. And if they saw Me eating, they asked themselves, why does He need to eat to live, if He says that He is life? They did not understand that I had come to the world to reveal to men how humanity should live after experiencing a prolonged purification on earth! From that long purification a more spiritualized generation should emerge that is above human misery, the demanding needs of the flesh, and the selfish passions of the physical senses. (40, 11 – 13)
Proclamation of His Parting
88. For three years Jesus lived with his disciples. He was followed by great multitudes that loved him deeply. For those disciples, nothing existed but to hear the Master preaching his Divine teaching; following in his steps they felt neither hunger nor thirst, there was no setback or obstacle, all was peace and joy in the environment that surrounded that group, but, nonetheless, just when they were most absorbed in the contemplation of their beloved Jesus, He said to them: “The times will change, I will go from you, and you shall be as sheep amidst wolves.” The hour comes when it is needful for Me to return from whence I came, and for you, who for a time shall remain alone, to bear testimony of that which you have seen and heard to those who hunger and thirst for love and justice. Work in My name, and I shall carry you with Me to the eternal dwelling place.”
89. These words saddened the disciples, and as the hour came closer Jesus repeated this announcement with greater insistence; He spoke of his parting, but at the same time comforted the hearts of those who heard him, saying that his Spirit would not leave and would continue watching over the world, and that if they prepared themselves to carry his word as a message of consolation and hope to the humanity of that time, He would speak through their mouths and perform prodigies. (354, 26 – 27)
The Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem
90. Triumphally the multitudes received Me upon My entry into the city of Jerusalem. From the towns and villages the people came in crowds, men, women, and children to see the Master’s entry to the city. They were those who had experienced the prodigy and proof of the power of the Son of God. The blind who now saw, the mute who could now sing the Hosanna, and the bedridden who had left their beds to come hurrying to see the Master in the Passover feast.
91. I knew that the triumph was momentary; I had already warned My disciples of what must later happen. It was only the beginning of My struggle, and now, at much distance from those events, I tell you that the light of My truth continues in the struggle against the darkness of ignorance, sin, and falsehood, for which reason I must add that My absolute triumph has not yet arrived.
92. How could you believe that the entrance to Jerusalem meant the triumph of My cause when few were those who had been converted, and many those who did not know who I was?
93. And even if that humanity had been converted to My Word, were there not yet many generations to come?
94. That moment of jubilation, that fleeting, triumphal entry was only a reflection of that triumph of light, good, truth, love, and justice that will come one day, and to which you are all invited.
95. Know that if even one of My children is still found outside New Jerusalem, there will be no celebration, for God will not be able to speak of triumph, He cannot celebrate if his power has not been able to save even the last of his children. (268, 17 – 21)
96. You are they who in the Second Time sang the Hosanna when Jesus entered Jerusalem. Now that I manifest to you in spirit, you do not throw your cloaks before Me; it is your hearts that you offer for the dwelling place of the Lord. Today your “Hosanna” is not shouted from your throats, this “Hosanna” springs from your spirit as a hymn of humility, love, and recognition of the Father, as a hymn of faith in this manifestation that in the Third Era your Lord has come to offer you.
97. Then, like now, you follow Me in My entrance to Jerusalem. The great multitudes surrounded Me, captivated by My words of love; men and women, the elderly, and children, the city trembled with their voices of jubilee. The very Priests and Pharisees, fearing that the people might rebel, said to Me: “Master, if you teach peace, why do you permit your disciples to raise a scandal in this manner?” And I answered them: “I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would cry out.” For these were moments of jubilee, the culmination and the glorification of the Messiah among those hungry and thirsty for justice: of those spirits that for a long time had awaited the coming of the Lord in fulfillment of the prophecies.
98. In that Jubilee and gladness My people also celebrated their liberation from Egypt. That commemoration of the Passover, I wished to make unforgettable by My people, yet truly I tell you that I did not comply with the simple tradition of the sacrifice of a lamb, no, I offered Myself in Jesus, the Sacrificial Lamb, as the road through whom all My children must be redeemed. (318, 57 – 59)
The Last Supper
99. When Jesus celebrated the Passover with his disciples according to the tradition of that people, He told them: Something new I will reveal unto you; drink this wine, and eat this bread, which represent My blood and My body, and do this in memory of Me.
100. After the parting of the Master, the disciples commemorated the sacrifice of the Lord drinking wine and eating the bread that symbolized He who gave all for love of humanity.
101. As the centuries passed the people divided into religions, and gave different interpretations to My words.
102. Today I come to tell you that which was My feeling at that hour, at that supper, where every word and act of Jesus was a lesson from a book of profound wisdom and infinite love. If I took the bread and wine, it was to make you understand that they were like the love that is the sustenance and life of the spirit, and if I told you: “Do this in memory of Me,” the Master wished to tell you to love your brothers with a love like that of Jesus, giving yourselves as the true sustenance of humanity.
103. Any rite that you make of these teachings will be sterile, if in your lives you do not carry out the practice of My teachings and examples; in that is the difficulty for you, but in that is where merit lies. (151, 29 – 32 and 34)
104. Just as you are around Me now, so too was I in the Second Era on that last night. The sun was setting when Jesus conversed with his apostles for the last time during that stay. They were the words of a Father agonizing over his very beloved children. There was sadness in Jesus, as well as in the disciples who did not yet know what, only a few hours later, awaited He who had come to instruct them, and who had so loved them. Their Lord would leave them, but they did not yet know how. Peter cried, clutching the cup to his heart. John wet the breast of his Master with his tears. Matthew and Bartholomew were in ecstasy at My teaching. Phillip and Thomas hid their bitterness as they dined with Me. James the lesser, as well as the greater, Thaddeus, Andrew, and Simon were mute from pain, though with their hearts they said much to Me. Judas Iscariot also bore in his heart pain, anguish, and regret, but He could not turn back, for darkness had possessed him.
105. When Jesus finished saying his last words and recommendations, those disciples were bathed in tears, but one of them was no longer there, his spirit being unable to receive such love, nor to behold such light, and therefore He had left because of those words that burned his heart. (94, 56 – 58)
106. (39-1) *) The Divine yearning of Jesus was for his disciples to become the sowers of his redeeming Doctrine;
*) Verses 106-108 are duplicates of verse 39, corr. to the Spanish original
107. (39-2) …and so it was that in the supreme moment of his last lecture to his disciples, which was also the last conversation between the Father and his children, He said in a sweet voice: “A new commandment I give unto you: That ye love one another,”
108. (39-3) …kindling, from the light of that maxim, humanity’s greatest hope. (254, 59)
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