What happens when HIKERS ENCOUNTER A BEAR in the Grand Teton National Park... don't get too close.

2 years ago

September 2nd MMNP Travels northwest from the Wind River Reservation to film bison in the Grand Teton National Park where they ran into an unexpected inhabitant on a hiking trail.

Behind the scenes travel vlog of NATIVE | The Prodigies of an Icon

Produced by:
Meet My Neighbor Productions https://meetmyneighbor.org
Yanasa Ama Ventures https://yanasa.us

Special Thanks to our Grant Partner:
The National Buffalo Foundation https://www.nationalbuffalofoundation.org

Special Thanks to our Film Platinum Sponsors:
Great Range Premium Bison https://greatrangebison.com
Sierra Meat and Seafood https://sierrameat.com
Durham Ranch https://durhamranch.com
Tender Bison https://www.tenderbison.com
Mosquito Park Enterprises

Gold Sponsors:
The Buffalo Wool Company https://thebuffalowoolco.com
Bigelow Fields Bison | Breadhouse https://www.bigelowfieldsbisonranch.com

#land #native #nativefilm #nativeamerican #indigenous #bison #buffalo #regenerative #americanbison #foodsecurity #crosstimbersbison #bisonboy

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