TriumphTuesday with Victoria Yates - 11.01.22

2 years ago

TwoSistas welcomed to the TriumphTuesday podcast, November 1, 2022, Victoria Yates. Victoria is a nurse turned food & body image coach for women, specializing in helping women to stop dieting & love their bodies through learning how to eat intuitively.

Victoria’s entry into entrepreneurship began about 6 years ago working full-time as a nurse when she started blogging and became very interested in intuitive eating and body image. She reflected on many things that women often do - we do all the right things and in the end, get nowhere fast.

Victoria coaches many women who sacrifice their mental health with their physical health when it should be more meaningful and motivating to embrace the approach more intuitively. In many aspects, we create a “mind drama” and deem that we have failed sometimes before we even begin.

With all the pressure to eat perfectly and have the perfect body, it’s no wonder that women (and men) feel stressed about how you should eat.

Victoria coaches her clients on how to have a healthy lifestyle built on the science behind intuitive eating so that you never have to go on another diet ever again. Let’s repeat that again: NEVER go on another diet again!!

Thank you so much Victoria! To learn more about Victoria and to connect with her further, please check out her website and other social media platforms as well as her podcast “The Redefining Health Podcast”:

How do you feel about your “mind drama”? In other words, do you empower yourself to change your lifestyle? Please go to our website and leave us a voice message:

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