Robert Monroe: the Afterlife, the Reincarnation Cycle, Inspec, and the Origin of your Soul

2 years ago

Robert Monroe, a Virginia businessman, began to have experiences that drastically altered his life. Unpredictably, and without his willing it, Monroe found himself leaving his physical body to travel via a "second body" to locales far removed from the physical and spiritual realities of his life. He was inhabiting a place unbound by time or death. His book "Ultimate Journey" charts that area which lies "over the edge," beyond the limits of the physical world. It presents us with a map of the "interstate"—the route that opens to us when we leave our physical lives, with their entry and exit ramps, their singposts and their hazards. It also tells us how Monroe found the route and travelled it, and uncovered the reason and the purpose of this pioneering expedition. It is a journey that reveals basic truths about the meaning and purpose of life—and of what lies beyond.

"Monroe's account of his travels, Journeys Out of the Body, jam-packed with parasitic goblins and dead humans, astral sex, scary trips into mind-boggling other dimensions, and practical tips on how to get out of your body, all told with wry humor, quickly became a cult sensation with its publication in 1971, and has been through many printings. Whatever their 'real' explanation, Monroe's trips made for splendid reading." —Michael Hutchinson, author of Megabrain

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