Real Christian respect Jesus & fake Christian buddies with Sananda Jesus lead to Draco gay pedophile

2 years ago

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (November 2022). The original Christians had proper respect for Jesus. They would prostrate themselves before God in prayer and worship. The original Christian men would have beards to distinguish between men and women. The original Christian women had women’s head coverings to protect from the fallen angels from controlling their heads. This was to prevent these Western feminist nations’ women (Eve) from destroying the family unit and corrupting society and demon-possessing their children, to get abortion sacrifice legalized to use that child sacrifice black magick energy to open up the wormhole portals to bring back millions of “nuclear war” “COVID biochemical weapon human extermination vaccine” “manufactured famine” fallen angel devils and demons from the abyss where God had imprisoned them after Noah’s Atlantis flood. Now, the Western feminist nations’ “women’s head coverings rebelling fallen angel head controlled” “Jezebel-demon-possessed” religious Christian hordes and pastors are treating their hippy ascended master Sananda Jesus as their buddy friend chum, and not as their God. They threw out the real Jesus and brought in their “love & light fake Christianity” hippy Sananda Jesus into God’s churches to replace Jesus. This replacement of our Almighty Holy Creator God YHWH Jesus with their LGBTPBGD (Lesbian Gay Transvestite Pedophile Bestiality Gerontophile Dendrophile) Sananda Jesus fake god has now led their feminist goddess Jezebel to train their children into child sex slaves and human meat reptilian livestock food and Draco laboratory experiment specimens. It is the “women’s head coverings rebelling men’s trousers cross-dressing” Western feminist nations’ religious Christian hordes and pastors who have redefined hundreds of God’s Bible verses and removed all of God’s spiritual protection and replaced Jesus with their foreign gods, such as the “women’s equality men’s pants cross-dressing” goddess Jezebel & “love & light post-1960s New Age Wicca witchcraft rebellion transvestite” god Sananda Jesus & “unbiblical post-1873 10% salary tithe income tax stealing” god Mammon & “look like a hippo Western female pastor” god Adephagia and hundreds of other foreign gods. Now that the post-1960s “Jesus movement” New Age Wicca witch religious Christian hordes and pastors have brought in their rebellion witchcraft demon spirits and fully demon-possessed themselves with the Jezebel reptilian demon spirit, their hippy grandchildren “Bible verses redefining women’s head coverings rebelling fallen angel head controlled” “Satan Lucifer’s post-1960s cross-dress-project men’s trousers wearing” religious Christian hordes descendants have fulfilled the Bible prophecy of the “great witchcraft rebellion falling away before the return of Jesus” and demon-possessed themselves with the Jezebel feminist witchcraft rebellion spirit so that their Western feminist nations will be judged by sword & famine & plague & demon armies. Now, the fallen angel incarnate avatars and demon spirit incarnate avatar globalist elites are educating their children with drag queen transvestite pedophilia child sex education in the schools and libraries and public events and restaurants and churches and workplaces to prepare the way for the LGBTPBGD (Lesbian Bay Bisexual Transvestite Pedophile Bestiality Gerontophile Dendrophile) Draco reptilian chimera fake aliens and Pleiadian fallen angel fake aliens’ Illuminati NWO child sex magick Satanist pedophile cannibal livestock food human specie. The 12 million children are being sold online through the pedophile cannibal Satanist CIA NSA MI6 FBI child-trafficking rings.

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