Dr. Viviane Brunet on new graphene oxide detox methods and protection against EMF

2 years ago

Dr. Viviane Brunet on new graphene oxide detox methods and protection against EMF

Dr. Viviane Brunet discussed ways to detoxify graphene oxide.

As already known, our body can naturally eliminate this nanomaterial within 6 months to a year thanks to the enzyme myeloperoxidase. However, it's necessary to help the body through detoxification protocols, such as AI, which Dr. Andreas Kalcker recently talked about.

In addition, it's important to protect oneself from electromagnetic radiation, since graphene oxide amplifies it and makes patients sick.

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Meanwhile a lot of health problems are also caused by EMF, Wifi emissions, 5G learn more on how to neutralise those emissions here: https://dq271.isrefer.com/go/AultHome/AUL651

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