#29. Biospheric Social Economic System as an Object of Governance | Mikhail Velichko

2 years ago

29th video in course "Educational Project: NOOSPHERE" by Mikhail Velichko

0:26 ― Today we will talk about philosophy of governance towards quality
5:09 ― Fursenko on qualified consumers who understand quality as an objective given
6:03 ― Soviet steam locomotive Э class as compared with American steam locomotive "Yellowstone"
10:43 ― On "P-38" steam locomotive of Soviet times
15:25 ― On the catastrophe with British battleship "Captain" in 1869
18:24 ― Many Couch-analysts condemn the Israeli tank "Merkava"
19:43 ― In the old days Nikita Sergeevich presented Indonesia with the Project 68-bis Ordzhonikidze cruiser
25:40 ― On ergonomics during maintenance
28:18 ― Further questions on ergonomics on example of steam locomotive of the Э class, designed by Vaclav Ivanovich Lopushinsky
33:18 ― Catastrophes can accompany the operation of equipment: aircraft-carrying cruiser Kuznetsov
41:36 ― On different paths of development for aircraft carrying ships
45:31 ― Ski jump take-offs in juxtaposition with catapult take-offs on aircraft carriers
47:02 ― Then the next aircraft carrier "1143.7" appears
48:23 ― Comparison of American aircraft carrier, "Nimitz" class, with Russian aircraft carrier, "Kuznetsov"
54:36 ― The special question of landing on aircraft carriers: "Everyone is equal in front of the ramp"

For Answers to the questions:
See the video: https://youtu.be/3ORQ062aWuU

For an overview of the Conception of Social Safety: https://youtu.be/S8JshcVXG3s

#velichko #noosphere #dotu

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