Dr Jessica Rose | What are the data showing? A focus on fertility (and myocarditis)

2 years ago

26 July 2022 | Dr. Jessica Rose has a Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics, a Master's in Medicine in Immunology, and a PhD in Computational Biology. She has also undertaken two Post-Doctoral studies in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry.

Not long after the completion of her second Post Doc in December 2019, the Covid-19 pandemic was declared. Jessica used this as an opportunity to pursue the task of analysing the VAERS data from the United States. She has published her findings in the journal 'Science, Public Health Policy and the Law' and has two other publications in peer review - both pertaining to VAERS data. One of the manuscripts is a critical appraisal of VAERS pharmacovigilance and the other is a review of myocarditis adverse events.

Jessica has also created a website that publishes her data live called ‘I do not consent’ (https://i-do-not-consent.netlify.app).

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