What Is A CRM?

2 years ago

Let's start with what is a CRM and why does someone need it?

That is a very good question. It's a perfect place to start. A CRM is a client relationship management system. Think of it as your client database. It's all the people, you know, not just clients though. It's other business people that you know, your JV partners, your suppliers, and vendors. It's your Rolodex,
if you will if that's a term you're familiar with. So it keeps track of, of course,
all their contact information. Also, all the emails and text messages that you shared with each other and the history of what you've done with them in business. They've bought something from you or not. It also lets you tag them or put little labels on them about how you met them, what kind of service they provide, and maybe who they're looking for. So if let's say, for example, you know, several people that are looking for, they tear down trees, they cut down trees. They make sure safely, someone's rotten tree can come down safely. And then a neighbor of yours says, boy, I gotta get that tree down. I really do. I'm worried about it. You can go straight to your CRM and put in the tag or the label that you gave to those people, those three people, and pull up three or four or five, people that you can give your neighbor and say, call these people, let them give you a quote, just like that. That's one of the really great things about having a CRM

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